Requiem for a Tree
Requiem for a Tree
I can’t help but cry, and in utter dismay
When they callously cut you down today
Your leaves were a nuisance on their driveway
So, my friend for years, they cut you down today
The bare and barren spot where you once grew
Is a blight and a crime that they cannot undo
For a hundred years, you stood, mighty and strong
Giving shelter and life to birds and birdsong
In all seasons, we held silent conversations
Of changes and times in our communications
Your limbs reaching out to the sky above
I watched you my friend with so much love
The birds are now gone, I know not where
My blind and cold neighbours don’t seem to care
They saw you as a nuisance on their driveway
So, they callously chopped you down today
Now you are gone, not even a stump
What’s left in my throat is a huge, huge, lump.
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