5 interesting TED talks you can stream for free
TED puts stirring speakers on a stage and gives them the chance to connect with a wide audience. Topics cover everything from speaking in public to where to find happiness and – best of all – most are completely free to watch.
Delve into our top five picks from the famous ideas conference and be inspired.
1. The Surprising Science of Happiness, Dan Gilbert
In this fascinating talk, Harvard psychologist Dan Gilbert takes us through the science behind happiness and challenges the well-worn idea that if we don’t get what we want, we won’t be happy. He explains that our brains can allow us to be happy some surprising circumstances and says that our “physiological immune system” can help us make the best of any situation.
2. Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are, Amy Cuddy
How many times have you been told to stand up straight in your lifetime? Did your teachers once give you rows for fidgeting? Your body language not only projects a powerful impression on the people around you, Amy Cuddy argues that it could shape you as a person. She also offers a few great power poses for reducing your stress levels.
3. Every Kid Needs a Champion, Rita Pierson
This extremely inspiring talk covers the importance of connections and relationships when it comes to education. Rita Pierson, a teacher for 40 years, explains how essential it is for children to have someone who is fighting their corner – someone who believes in them completely. She encourages all educators to connect with their pupils on a real, personal level.
4. The Game That Can Give You an Extra 10 Years of Life, Jane McGonigal
Game designer Jane McGonigal suffered a severe concussion that left her bedridden and suicidal and the experience ignited a powerful curiosity about ways to heal. With the help of a lot of scientific research, she created a healing game called SuperBetter that can help boost resilience and even extend your life span.
5. Underwater Astonishments, David Gallo
There’s a whole other world under the sea, one we rarely get a look at, but this stunning talk from David Gallo offers an amazing glimpse at some treasures of the deep. From a colour-changing cuttlefish to a seamlessly camouflaged octopus, he reveals wonderful works of nature and celebrates the pioneers work of amazing underwater explorers like Edith Widder and Roger Hanlon.
Did we miss out any of your favourites? Share your top TED talks and spread the power of positivity.

Rachel - Silversurfers Assistant Editor

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