
There is really an app for everything these days and managing your finances is...

The best apps to help you monitor your spending

It is true that smartphone penetration and mobile apps usage among older age groups...

Over 55s are rapidly catching up with smartphones and apps

Another year and another new Apple product. As its new wrist appliance hits the...

Has the Apple Watch’s time come?

With surveys revealing that many people would rather go without daily doses of coffee...

Plan a Digital Detox
5 great point and shoot cameras

With the rise in high quality cameras on our smart phones and tablets, it...

Shopping for a home computer

Step into your average family home in 2015 and you’ll be met by a...

Apps for your grandkids

Keeping your Grandkids entertained is not always the easiest task especially if they’re cooped...

Tuition and Technology support at home

Technology plays an increasingly vital role in our lives, and it can be a...

5 great games for your tablet

From humble beginnings in the 1970s, computer games have quickly risen through the years...

How to print your photos online

In this digital age, it’s easy to put off printing your favourite snaps. However,...

The best apps for travel

Unless you were born after the mid-90s, it won’t seem all that long ago...

5 gadgets for a smarter home

Every man’s home may be his castle but that doesn’t mean it needs to...

Technology and memory: the pros and cons

Everywhere you look, someone has a piece of technology in their hand, on their...

Common email scams to avoid

We might all have had a chuckle when that glaringly obvious email scam drops...

How to make strong passwords you can remember

From credit card numbers to sensitive bank information, personal emails and photos of grandchildren,...

Tips to help you take a family portrait

The festive season is the perfect time of year to get a family portrait,...

Social media for professionals: tips and tricks

Social media has a reputation as a place for sharing boring details of what...

Leverage the power of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great tool to help you cultivate your career, network with other...

Ditch the contract: is pay-as-you-go cheaper?

Before the rise of smartphones, pay-as-you-go plans (often abbreviated as PAYG) were aimed at...

The new iPhone: is it worth the price tag?

Apple’s newest iPhone has launched with much fanfare from the tech community, but with...

Putting the tea in technology

Did you know there are still six million people in the UK who’ve never...

These Apps Could Save Your Life

A couple of new apps, both created in collaboration with medical professionals, are using...

Cash In Online

New technology is transforming how we carry out daily financial tasks, says Vicky Shaw...

A Tale Of Two Corporations

Why are authors taking sides in the battle between online giant Amazon and publisher...

Glass Half Full?

Google Glass has now been launched in the UK, cue the inevitable concerns about...

Tile Be There For You

Fed up with losing your keys/wallet/phone/everything? Well, you’ll probably fancy a clever new app...

Let’s forget about it

As Google responds to an EU court ruling by launching a removal request form...

How the older generation are becoming more tech savvy

It seems that technology is no longer something that the older generation aren’t interested...

Picture this … the art of great photographs

Capturing special moments on camera effectively is the mark of a great photographer. But...

Three of the best digital cameras

The standalone camera market is making its comeback, as people finally realise smartphones are...

Boost your online security

Following the recent eBay hack, it might be time to boost your online security...

Step to it with Google Maps

Google maps has now found its way right across the UK. With almost 17,000...

Reducing the divide of Smart Phone ownership

It has been predicted that 2014 will see an influx in smartphone ownership in...

Seniors Internet Training reduces Loneliness

Internet use could help combat loneliness for seniors, think tank suggests  A new report...

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