
As the days run into weeks, self-isolation due to the Coronavirus will start to...

How to stay in contact with friends and relatives

Staying safe online is becoming harder and harder, so in every issue of Computeractive...


Following more than 20,000 entries from amateurs, professionals and semi-professionals from more than 140...

Travel Photographer of the Year 2019 – our favourite shots

Keeping physically fit in your 50s and beyond guards against problems in later life,...

Three reasons why wearable technology is relevant for Silversurfers users! 
Get more out of your phone

The cost of a smartphone can be as much as £1000 these days, but...

Standoff between fox and marmot wins top photography prize!

A picture capturing a standoff between a Tibetan fox and a marmot, seemingly frozen...

Our pick of the best travel shots from the Sony World Photography Awards

Move over David Attenborough – this year’s Sony World Photography Awards features some of...

Starting a blog or newsletter made easy

Blogging is a wonderful way to get creative, express yourself, share your hobbies and...

The Wildlife Photographer of the Year: Time to choose your favourite shots

Now in its 54th consecutive year, the Wildlife Photographer of the Year is something...

Browser cookies, what they do, and why to clear them

Thanks to European legislation in recent years, web users have never been more aware...

Spotting common signs of a banking scam

Banking scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and many consumers are fearful they’ll be duped...

7 tips to improving your online dating profile

More and more over 50s are finding love and companionship online these days, and...

7 apps that help you to live smarter and feel happier

Smartphones often get a bad rep for having a negative impact on our time,...

Personal Tech Support: Less Technology Stress, More Time for Life

It is also a constant source of frustration, problems, privacy concerns, and emerging threats....

Life is about living

A companionship service, specifically designed for those over 60, bringing like-minded people together to...

How to handle your digital legacy

We are firmly in the digitised age. In almost 60 years the extraordinary progression...

Tired of feeling tired? 5 of the best apps to help you to get to sleep

That dodgy car alarm blaring at 3am. The neighbour’s dog barking. The dental appointment...

Get snap happy in the garden with help from photographer Rosie Nixon

If you’ve never been too good at taking pictures of your beautiful blooms to...

50% off award-winning McAfee antivirus

McAfee antivirus is pleased to offer Silversurfers members an incredible 50% off our award-winning...

How to take amazing photos of plants and gardens

Think your outdoor photos are the bee’s knees? Now’s your chance to prove it...

Top Tips for Staying Safe Online

The internet is a great tool for banking, paying bills, online shopping, looking up...

Patient Portraits: A New You

Our work is very patient focused and includes raising awareness for heart valve disease...

Create unique cards and gifts with Card Factory

Making every occasion special doesn’t have to be difficult. With a fantastic range of...

No one enjoys being pestered on their landline

Constant calls claiming that you’ve won a large cash prize, offers for double glazing,...

Managing our privacy and security in an online world

As all of our lives become ever more reliant upon technology, fundamental questions about...

Updating Your Facebook Privacy Settings

With more than a billion active users, Facebook is the most popular social network...

Technologies that didn’t exist 30 years ago

Some technologies are so integral to modern life that we often forget there was a...

Start your own blog in a few simple steps

Blogging isn’t just for the young – your own blog is a great place...

How to handle nuisance calls

From PPI insurance claims to persistence salesman nuisance, unwanted calls can be incredibly frustrating....

Choosing a legacy contact on Facebook

The rise in technology has left us with a modern problem – what happens...

Tech on Test: The Amazon Echo

It’s been two years since Amazon’s voice controlled personal assistant called “Alexa” was launched...

10 apps that will make your next holiday

We all want our holidays to run as smoothly as possible. And that means...

Photography tips for amateurs

You don’t need years of training and a fancy camera to take great shots,...

It’s official – silver surfers love Facebook!

Ofcom, the telecoms regulator, has just carried out some research which shows that the...

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