
Do you feel happy living in the United Kingdom?

Finland is named the happiest country in the world for the eighth year in a row, according to the World Happiness Report 2025 published Today.

The United Kingdom, at position 23, is reporting its lowest average life evaluation since the 2017 report, and 3 places lower than last year.

Other Nordic countries continue to dominate the top spots in the annual happiness rankings, published by the Wellbeing Research Centre at the University of Oxford. Alongside Finland, Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden maintain their positions among the top four, in the same order.

The rankings are based on individuals’ responses when asked to rate their own lives. The study was conducted in collaboration with the analytics firm Gallup and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

“Happiness isn’t just about wealth or growth — it’s about trust, connection and knowing people have your back,” said Jon Clifton, the CEO of Gallup. “If we want stronger communities and economies, we must invest in what truly matters: each other.”

Sharing meals and having somebody to count on

Researchers say that beyond health and wealth, some factors that influence happiness sound deceptively simple: sharing meals with others, having somebody to count on for social support, and household size. In Mexico and Europe, for example, a household size of four to five people predicts the highest levels of happiness, the study said.

When it comes to decreasing happiness — or growing unhappiness —the United States has dropped to its lowest-ever position at 24, having previously peaked at 11th place in 2012. The report states that the number of people dining alone in the United States has increased 53% over the past two decades.

The United Kingdom, ranked 23rd, is experiencing its lowest average life evaluation since the 2017 report.

What are your views? Do you feel less happy living in the United Kingdom than in previous years?

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