Are you increasingly shopping online?
Recent statistics indicate that the number of people shopping on the high street is falling by 1 per cent each year, which is the equivalent of 2 million fewer shoppers each month.
In some large retail shopping centres the amount of shoppers increased slightly as they did in London which was up 0.4% in July compared to July 2014 however in Wales and Northern Island there was a 4.4 per cent and 4.5 per cent fall in shoppers year on year. The increase in retail parks is thought to be connected with the growth of “click and collect” from internet shoppers.
The main reason for the fall in people shopping on the high street seems to be the Internet and consumers are becoming increasingly used to shopping online for all their goods from clothes to groceries.
Do you shop online and if so are you increasingly buying from your favourite online shops? Do you shop online for convenience or because the prices are more competitive? Over the past few years are you visiting high street shops less than you used to?