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RegisterSilversurfers Local Community is the best way to stay informed about what's going on in your local neighbourhood.
A place to chat ‘one to one’ with other Silversurfers community members. If you wish you can add other members to your chat for a lively discussion amongst the safe environment of the Silversurfers community.
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How to join in
Using Speakers Corner is very simple. While you do not need to log in to vote on a Speakers Corner poll, you will need to log in to enter into the debate.
If you are already a member just click here to login. If you are not yet a member, click here to register with us.
Vote and Comment
You do not need to log in to vote on Speakers Corner polls, but you will need to if you want to offer your opinions to the debate in the comment section which follows.
Suggest topics for discussion
We'd love to hear what subjects you'd like to see discussed and voted on in Speakers Corner. If you have a topic you'd like to see featured in Speakers Corner you can make a suggestion in the comments section at the bottom of the Speakers Corner category page. Click here to add your suggestion, now!
Speakers corner is a section for you to cast and review opinions related to a plethora of topical subjects
A The Question...
Simply read the question shown in the box (you can see an example opposite) and click the button that you agree with!
B The Results!
As soon as you have made your choice your vote will have been counted, added to the totals and the results so far will be dispalyed immediately! You can only vote once and once you have voted the page will only display the results each time you visit, so do come to see if you are in the Minority or Majority! There is also plenty to vote on and you can share these votes with your friends on facebook and they can vote too.
You don't have to be logged in to take part in the vote but if you want to add your two pennies worth you will!
1. Cast your vote!
Much the same as all our Silversurfers Articles you can leave a comment, reply to someone else's or even start an instant chat with them!
A Logging in to comment
Simply add your username or email address and your password and click login and you're all set.
B Joining Silversurfers to comment.
You will need to be a Silversurfers member to comment.
If you are already a member just click here to login. If you are not yet a member, click here to register with us.
C Leaving your comment. Once you are signed in you are able to vote on Speakers Corner and then leave you comments. Enjoy reading other Silversurfers comments and by replying to their comments as well it makes us a very active community.
2. Leaving a comment.
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