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Many of our members have expressed an interest in finding a travel companion ... this is the place where you can get together, compare notes and see if there is a like minded, compatible travel companion our there looking for you too!

Created By on 05/08/2015

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30th Jan 2016 17:48:53
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Anyone interested in going to New Delhi, India? Too short notice, I know!.. but thought I'd put it out there. Middle of February 2016. (just asking)
30th Jan 2016 12:52:50
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Hi there, I going on November to Goa, anyone to join me?? Or meet there??
29th Jan 2016 18:06:21
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going to Tulum Mexico in Feb 9 to 23
any females interested
23rd Jan 2016 12:23:33
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Travelling to the Far East
24th Oct 2015 20:00:21 (Last activity: 6th Jan 2016 20:22:33)
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Would like to meet travel companion(no strings)preferably female,i,m a 58 year old male reasonably fit,my main aim is Usa in 2 yrs for 6 to 8 months to see some amazing sites and hear some amazing music,but meantime i am open to shorter breaks,hols whatever,i like places where i might be out of my comfort zone a little,cheap and cheerful,anybody.
Response from alanjonesxxxx made on 4th Jan 2016 06:56:38
I live in Sydney but coming to UK in ’16. My wife doesn’t travel, so looking for a companion for a couple of weeks. Have Skype. Address is I’m not sure of plans or dates as yet. Should like to correspond/skype beforehand. Have been making enquiries about a walking holiday in Cornwall, but am up in the air (as usual). Perhaps a river cruise on the canals??
Response from JAMES58 made on 6th Jan 2016 20:22:33
Sorry Alan i live in GB with its rubbish weather ,,i don,t take my holidays here,,,i need to see some sun during the year,,,goood luck.
6th Jan 2016 16:31:53
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Hi - I'm really keen to go to Mexico and possible Belize this autumn (2016). I am interested in the Day of the Dead ceremonies (around November 1st) and looking to see as many Aztec and Mayan sites as possible. And I want to see the National Museum in Mexico City. Having said that its got to be a holiday as well, and fun and I am happy seeing other stuff that people are interested in! Always glad to have my eyes opened to something different! I'm thinking of a 3 to 4 week trip. Happy to consider just one travelling companion or a small group. Mexico sounds like its easier to travel accompanied. If this appeals do leave a comment etc.
4th Jan 2016 15:02:13
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I'm a 62year old lady, keen sailor, travelling to Australia at the end of January 2016 for one month, to see my son in Sydney. Anyone who has a boy of 29 knows that a whole month with them may be, 'a bit much', and we will need some time apart during my stay.
I would love to do some sailing maybe from Airlie Beach and visit the Whitsunday Islands. A change from Scottish sailing in cold weather! Anyone interested in joining me?
4th Dec 2015 10:22:55 (Last activity: 4th Jan 2016 06:48:26)
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Hi,,on my own again after 30 years. Would love to find a travelling buddy,,preferably with a woman. I am in my 50's and want to start enjoying life again. I have 2 small dogs so would love them to be able to share any holidays with me in the UK if someone else also has small dogs? Would love to go away for over christmas,,ANYWHERE!! Would love to make some new friends on here. Male or female.
Response from JAMES58 made on 4th Dec 2015 20:48:26
Hi,know exactly how you feelre finding someone to travel with,i have 4 or 5 free days over xmas,if you fancied Scotland over holiday period,im in Airdrie and would be happy to show you around ,like on a day to day basis,no strings,yes i appreciate it is out our comfort zone a bit,i,m just new on here too,let me know what you think
Response from JAMES58 made on 6th Dec 2015 16:06:08
If you have read this,your probably thinking same as me,i don,t even know this person,but i was thinking that if you were giving it any thought at all,then maybe you could book into a B and B locallyand as i said in previous ,maybe a bit of sightseeing during the day,i,m not sure,just a thought,think about it. James
Response from lajollaally made on 6th Dec 2015 20:20:36
Hiya james.... thanks for your reply,,, that sounds great,,,, but I've already booked a break with my friend and the 2 dogs now. I would love to see Scotland though. I used to be a member of Globalfreeloaders,, have you heard of it? Been to meet people in Scottsdale,AZ with that and had 2 different people from oz coming here to stay.
I am going to join it again and also make travelling buddies on there.
Fabulous way to meet people across the globe and stay in their house for free as long as you can offer the same back to another person wanting to visit Scotland,,, or where ever people live.
Nice of you to offer to show me around,, I have never been to Scotland and it looks beautiful. I love lakes and mountains,,,, can't climb up them mind,,,,,,,,lol.
Response from JAMES58 made on 7th Dec 2015 18:57:35
Thats good,at least your getting away,re your globalfreeloaders comment,i,m seriously looking at a couchsurfing site,i think that has got to be the way to go to try and keep costs down and experiences up,especially as i hope to go to America in 2017 for a few months,anyway enjoy your mini holiday,and if you ever want to come to Scotland in the future don,t hesitate to let me know,i,llarrange something,which involves no climbing,,,,,,,,
Response from alanjonesxxxx made on 15th Dec 2015 07:30:03
Hello. I am Stuart, 72. I live in Sydney but coming to UK in ’16. My wife doesn’t travel, so looking for a companion for a couple of weeks. Have Skype. Address is I’m not sure of plans or dates as yet. Should like to correspond/skype beforehand. Have been making enquiries about a walking holiday in Cornwall, but am up in the air (as usual).
Response from alanjonesxxxx made on 4th Jan 2016 06:48:26
haven't hrd from you lajolally. Grateful for an email pl. haven't got dates yet. We appear to share the same interests.
31st Dec 2015 23:19:08 (Last activity: 1st Jan 2016 18:24:49)
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I am an 82 year old San Diego American who plays tennis 4x per week. I've travelled through 87 countries so far. My wife cannot travel anymore, and I'm looking for someone or more than one person to travel to Laos, Far Northern Vietnam(Saba), Singapore, and Sri Lanka. All or part. I'm a self published author University trained, former engineer, sculptor, pilot and businessman. I've outlived most of my sins and friends. I have no budget problems, and stay in 4-5 star hotels.
Response from Theresamarie made on 1st Jan 2016 09:59:00
Hi I am a 60 year old women, who is thinking of travelling solo.If I found the right person to travel with I believe my adventure would be so much more rewarding if I could share this experience.
Response from Coastman made on 1st Jan 2016 18:24:49
Dear Theresamarie,
Please email me at, so we can discuss further.
Thank you,
29th Nov 2015 22:05:03 (Last activity: 31st Dec 2015 02:06:08)
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Evening looking for a travel companion, I'm newly divorced at 50 and would like to continue travelling but this will be my first solo holiday
Response from smudger15 made on 30th Nov 2015 13:59:13
Are you looking for a male or female companion? when you thinking of going and what type of holiday you interested in?
Response from heledw made on 30th Nov 2015 18:37:29
To be honest would prefer female, but happy to go with a male....
I have 7 weeks annual leave so I'm easy
I'm open to holiday choices .... What do you like.....
Response from smudger15 made on 1st Dec 2015 06:53:56
Im toying between an active holiday two week Peru with an Amazon trek or a lazy 10 days in Mauritius or even a cheap and cheerful holiday in cape verde or greece. depends on the time of year.
Response from heledw made on 1st Dec 2015 07:07:38
All of them sound fine, Peru holiday dependant on cost.... And date
Never been to Mauritius or Cape Verde
Love Greece
As I said I'm pretty flexible with holiday dates , prefer not in school holidays as difficult to request them dates as I have no school age children
Response from smudger15 made on 1st Dec 2015 20:32:23
Other than Greece Ive never been either. Im planning on Peru in November cost between 2-3k. The other pretty much depend on when you go. I never travel anytime when the school holidays are near...costs are way too high. Im in leicester, so not sure if that convenient or whether you want to wait to see if you get a female traveller.
Response from alanjonesxxxx made on 3rd Dec 2015 07:30:16
Hello. I am Stuart, 72. I live in Sydney but coming to UK in ’16. My wife doesn’t travel, so looking for a companion for a couple of weeks. Have Skype. Address is I’m not sure of plans or dates as yet. Should like to correspond/skype beforehand. Have been making enquiries about a walking holiday in Cornwall, but am up in the air (as usual)!
Response from travelbug1 made on 4th Dec 2015 10:05:52
Hi I'm looking for a holiday companion I'm separated and I'm a young 55 willing to travel to most destinations
Response from mandy gere made on 29th Dec 2015 18:17:29
I'm new to this sight so hello! I have never travelled alone and since being divorced 6 years I hadn't had a holiday. Where does everyone live- word b good to meet before a holiday I wood think tho??
Response from heledw made on 29th Dec 2015 18:20:48
Mandy gere I live in Swansea, I would love to travel with someone this year.......
Happy to meet up with people
Response from lucie made on 31st Dec 2015 02:06:08
I have never travel alone also would like a holiday and would like someone to travel with .and would be happy to meet up with others
4th Dec 2015 09:38:15 (Last activity: 29th Dec 2015 18:49:15)
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Hi am a young active 50 yr old who would like a traveling buddy anyone fancy coming along am happy to visit most destinations
Response from JAMES58 made on 4th Dec 2015 20:57:24
Hi,i,m a fairly active 58 year old,no more holidays left now until march,but certainly consider anything after then,i like to think i prefer a holiday/break thats a little bit out of my comfort zone,but then sometimes wonder if i,m kidding myself on,depends what day of the week it is,if you want to think about and get back to me to discuss more.
Response from smudger15 made on 4th Dec 2015 21:22:22
Ive made a few posting on here looking for someone to travel with. Looking at Peru in November. But would love a break beach break in Mauritius,Cape Verde or Greek Island.
Response from travelbug1 made on 4th Dec 2015 21:33:08
Hi I'd thought of Cape Verde a couple of years ago but having chatted to someone who'd been I'll give a miss quite expensive ok ish they said but not worth the cost x
Response from travelbug1 made on 4th Dec 2015 21:38:30
Hi James
Yep am up for adventure don't mind slumming it as long there's comfort every other day
Response from JAMES58 made on 6th Dec 2015 16:14:21
I,ve been thinking of possibly southern Italy then onto Sardinia aroundApril/May for a week or Morocco even,is there anywhere you fancy,let me know of any thoughts you have on this,,,,,or anything,,,,,,James
Response from travelbug1 made on 6th Dec 2015 20:47:42
hi james is there anyway you can inbox me on this site for more info ?
Response from JAMES58 made on 7th Dec 2015 18:48:49
I,m not that great on the computer,but i would think that if you contact the site team they might be able to help, i think that is probably the concept of this site,the fact that all contact is public,i understand your concern,to change the subject a bit,i,ve had a look had a couchsurfing site(not for Italy/Sardinia) but hopefully some point in the future,i would probably be up for that ,thoughts on that,travelbug??? anyone
Response from JAMES58 made on 9th Dec 2015 21:26:37
If your still considering,i can put my e mail address up if you want,,,,,,,james, thats all i can think of.
Response from Ruahri made on 28th Dec 2015 13:42:14
yes I'm interested ..would like to go somewhere late feb or march 1 or 2 weeks...
Response from heledw made on 29th Dec 2015 18:49:15
Me too
I have annual leave in late Feb / early March
28th Dec 2015 23:54:16 (Last activity: 29th Dec 2015 18:22:17)
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Hello my fellow SSer's

I'm a total newby to this website and forums so, please, be gentle with me...

Am planning on taking myself off to Gibraltar for five/six days at the beginning of February. I was there for only a few hours back in September (whilst on a cruise) and was amazed to see how the country has flourished over the past thirty years since my last visit.

Anyone out there fancy a few days of exploring, wining, dining, chatting, laughing and walking around the ragged rock?

I'm a well travelled individual who has a good sense of fun and enjoys meeting people.
Response from heledw made on 29th Dec 2015 18:22:17
I'm up for a few days in Gibraltar
29th Dec 2015 16:16:35
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Travelbug1,,,if your still up for travel it seems that i can give you more info in a chat room,,,i have just found this out,,,if your still interested let me know and i,ll see if i can get it sorted....
29th Dec 2015 16:11:07
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Hello to all fellow would be travellers,,,i,m still looking for someone who is up for Sardinia for approx a week in May ,or possibly somewhere else if there is anywhere in particular that you fancy,,,a couple of you did previously express an interest but it never came to anything for whatever reason,,,,i would point out that i,m travelling from Glasgow and the potential common meeting place is Rome airport,you should be able to get there under your own steam,,,,anybody out there ?,no strings.
21st Sep 2015 16:26:47 (Last activity: 28th Dec 2015 14:04:16)
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Hi looking to cut the single room costs for the Maldives. Looking to go for three weeks, around the 26th January. I'm into diving and snorkeling, and photographing wildlife. I am an early riser and not one for staying up late. looking to get a good quality room on the beach or over water. I would estimate you would need a budget of around 4 grand ish, going on my own they want almost double !!!!!. Looking for a non smoker, this is purely for financial reasons, not looking for romance!!.
Response from cavedude made on 11th Dec 2015 12:50:01
Hiya, I am also into diving but the £4000 for Maldives is a bit steep, would you consider Sharm?
Response from Ruahri made on 28th Dec 2015 14:04:16
like swimming ,snorkeling and photography but limited to about £2500...can do it though if cheaper option available..
28th Dec 2015 14:01:02
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I think my budget limit is 2k
22nd Dec 2015 08:24:13
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I'll be travelling around New Zealand ,both Islands, in Jan 2016, followed by a week travelling down the East coast of Australia from Cairns to Sydney. In Christchurch I'll be staying with friends, however they won't be able to accompany me on the rest of the tour. I have a rental car along with accommodation already booked.
So this is a long shot, but if there are any like minded individuals that would like to join me for any part of the trip that would be awesome.

I'm a somewhat active 57 y.o Carpenter from B.C , Canada and like to be outdoors, hiking, camping, fishing. Whilst in New Zealand l'll be hiking the Tongariro crossing and Kepler Track for sure as well as enjoying other easy walks and beautiful scenery along the way.
29th Nov 2015 22:08:12 (Last activity: 17th Dec 2015 06:02:36)
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At the moment I'm happy to travel long or short haul..... Just looking to hopefully have my first holiday as a single person completed this year as never travelled with a companion before but looking forward to it
Response from alanjonesxxxx made on 17th Dec 2015 06:02:36
Hello. I am Stuart, 72. I live in Sydney but coming to UK in ’16. My wife doesn’t travel, so looking for a companion for a couple of weeks. Have Skype. Address is I’m not sure of plans or dates as yet. Should like to correspond/skype beforehand. Have been making enquiries about a walking holiday in Cornwall, but am up in the air (as usual).
10th Nov 2015 18:22:59 (Last activity: 16th Dec 2015 20:21:11)
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Response from smudger15 made on 11th Nov 2015 13:00:16
You've not mentioned if you are looking for male or female? Where are you looking to fly from?
Response from smudger15 made on 12th Nov 2015 08:25:39
ha ha, Im not in the back of beyond you I've flown from there a few times, but I must admit Im not a big fan of the place.
Response from cavedude made on 11th Dec 2015 12:45:33
Hiya,55 year young recently divorced also looking for holiday companion early next year but planning on going to Sharm. Is that too far for you?
Response from cavedude made on 15th Dec 2015 00:04:28
Response from cavedude made on 15th Dec 2015 00:05:20
Looking to go to Sharm early in the new year
Response from cavedude made on 15th Dec 2015 22:19:50
Lol wigsy distance means nothing, have car can travel lol
Response from cavedude made on 16th Dec 2015 20:21:11
Good idea
9th Dec 2015 22:37:22 (Last activity: 13th Dec 2015 18:32:49)
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Response from smudger15 made on 10th Dec 2015 16:03:54
Of course. I used to drive down to southsea quite often, park the car near the pub have a few pints, walk to the match. Then either drive back or go out on the town and drive back next day...happy days.
Response from smudger15 made on 13th Dec 2015 18:32:49
If i do. I'll be sure to let you know. although I will most likely be going on hols rather than the footy.
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