New Member
Watch this postHi all, Just joined the site a couple of days ago and trying to find my way around. I am lady living in Scotland in a really rural place and hoping to make new friends/penpals. Sbn51
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I am new to site, and we seem to have some common interests. I am very health conscious as a high priority. Are you retired? What brought you to this site? I am not even sure how I got on it - oh, I googled "senior travel companions". I knew a woman who just traveled with a man and some women that paid her expenses, just to have company.
I do love to travel, and have done a bit and look forward to more. How about you - your travel interests?
What brought you to this site.
Best, Joanne
Never been to Scotland but it looks fantastic to me as a lover of the wild.
I too am new. I live in Tennessee USA.
Ibet Scotland is beautiful.
I'm 73 now and my worls is getting smaller so it would be nice to have some chay pals. I do tend to have strong oinions on a lot of things.
How are you doing today. I'm new here and you have a very friendly face. Like you I'm always looking for new friends someone who I can also share my crazy days with. I live in SE Ohio and 67 years young, my parents produced a half Italian and half Hawaiian baby, actually 8 babies in all, I'm #3 in line. I love animals of all kinds, right now I have 6 cats all rescued and fixed, and on occasions a stray possum or racoon will visit. I also love plants indoors and outdoors. I had to retire early in 2017 after I had my second stroke, I'm totally recovered now but not as fast as I was. I do have a couple of good friends but they are very busy in their own lives with family, work and other things. Don' know about you but sometimes it's good to have an opinion from the opposite sex...By the way I'm a real female and not one of those wannabes they have nowadays. Anyway if you want to be friends I'd love to chat with you. I want to say that I am not one of those that is a pretend person like on Catfish....Hope to hear from you soon.