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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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30th Jul 2021 02:50:50 (Last activity: 30th Jul 2021 07:09:44)
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Hello Everyone….

I live in CT and am a newly retired HS teacher.
I wanted to very briefly introduce myself.
Obviously I’m new to this site. 🙂

Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 30th Jul 2021 07:09:44
Hi christadel,

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10th Jun 2021 03:56:11 (Last activity: 28th Jul 2021 18:51:58)
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I just joined & looking for friends. The Wa Puget Sound area. Like many, my kids don't bother & life without my job would be depressing.
How are u doing?
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 10th Jun 2021 07:54:07
Hi CindyRose,

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Response from PatriciaB96 made on 10th Jun 2021 10:30:18
Good morning cindy and welcome to the site, I hope you will make lots of new friends here
Response from Joannahome made on 15th Jun 2021 14:23:59 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Thank you for your post. I am new to chat rooms. I am 70. walking, jigsaw puzzles, reading biographies and my children live a ways away, are very busy with their lives and I would like to have some online friends if possible. I noticed your post was 9/3/15 so I don't know if you are still posting to this website. May you have a refreshing day.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 15th Jun 2021 15:45:45 > @Joannahome
Hi Joannahome,

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Response from MaureenE55 made on 19th Jun 2021 22:30:03 > @Joannahome
Hello Joannahome. Like you I’m just starting on here. Also like you I love reading and jigsaws on my iPad. Have mobility issues though so not as active as you. I would love to hear from you if you would like to be in touch, all good wishes, Maureen
Response from MaureenE55 made on 6th Jul 2021 09:59:55 > @Joannahome
Hello, I saw your post on the silver surfers site and writing to ask if you would like to become pen pals. I’m Maureen, age 75 and live in Lincolnshire. We can talk more if you feel you would like to become pen pals, all good wishes, from Maureen
Response from SandyT44 made on 7th Jul 2021 16:37:48 > @Joannahome
Hi Joanna home. I'm looking for friends and conversation too. I'm 63, widowed. Live in Maryland.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 7th Jul 2021 17:25:50 > @SandyT44
Hi SandyT44,

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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 28th Jul 2021 18:51:58
Hi KatfromCali,

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26th Jul 2021 20:25:26 (Last activity: 27th Jul 2021 07:33:12)
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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 27th Jul 2021 07:33:12
Hi Mark one,

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27th Jul 2021 01:07:29 (Last activity: 27th Jul 2021 07:33:05)
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Hi, I'm Iris, I live in the beautiful San Joaquin valley. I came to find some new friends around the US, and the world. I love life, the mountains in all their beauty. God created a truly wonderful place for us to enjoy. Please come share your life with me, with all it's love and sorrows. Yours, Iris
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 27th Jul 2021 07:33:05
Hi Iris1948,

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19th Jul 2021 22:46:17 (Last activity: 20th Jul 2021 18:27:59)
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Hello, l laughed reading your post , as l live in the country on a Farm in the Fenland Cambridgeshire , l fell and done L4 L5 S1 discs l couldn't do anything for 18 months but now l am just looking after my dog who is the light of my life at the moment keeps me walking and not sitting still . I am 69 and love life in the country . I was born in Lancashire . Its the youth of today with schooling always think they know better . I don't have any children my work was my life to busy , l find it hard in retirement to sit and do nothing . I started growing lots of vegetables and herbal meds great fun . I cannot wait to get in these new Med Beds fix you in hrs and make you feel 30 yrs younger they say .
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 20th Jul 2021 07:36:10
Hi Manorlady,

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Response from PatriciaB96 made on 20th Jul 2021 18:27:59
Good evening manor lady and welcome to the site, I hope you will make lots of new friends here
16th Jul 2021 13:24:14
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Nice to meet you Celtwitch. I'm a bit of a Solitary Hedgewitch myself, 🙂 I'm 71, broke up with my partner a little while ago, and only just re - discovering the world of doing things and going places by myself.
It sounds lovely wherre you live, and I'd love to have a dog! But circumstances don't allow...
I'm sure you and me both will strike up some friendships on here. I'll try to get on it a bit more often, I do get easily side tracked, lol, specially with the weather as lovely as it is today!
Love and light,
14th Jul 2021 19:23:39 (Last activity: 15th Jul 2021 20:07:52)
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Hi nice to meet you, hope your doing fine
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th Jul 2021 22:43:54
Hi IputGodfirst,

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Response from PatriciaB96 made on 15th Jul 2021 20:07:52
Good evening lionel, and welcome to the site, I hope you will make lots of new friends here.
9th Jul 2021 08:04:31 (Last activity: 9th Jul 2021 10:34:47)
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Hi celtwitch...I just joined too ( been resisting for too long)
I hope to retire from work in March but am worried about what to do with my time!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 9th Jul 2021 08:08:26
Hi Rasta,

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Response from PatriciaB96 made on 9th Jul 2021 10:34:47
Good morning and welcome to the site rasta ,
6th Jul 2021 15:11:44
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Hi all, I am Gerald,lives in Ipswich and will be 70 years old this september. When I was just 3 years old hiding under a table I pushed a dinner knife down the TV socket and wondered what the connection between the socket and all the lights that went out, I soon found out and from that moment on I always wanted to be an inventor and yes I came very close to it. Well thats it for now, I look forward to any life out there....Gerald
30th Jun 2021 19:04:32
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Hi, I saw your post on silver surfers and wondered if you would like to be pen pals. I’m Maureen, age 75 and live in Lincolnshire. My family all live local but I live alone and it would be nice to have a pen friend, all good wishes, Maureen
28th Jun 2021 05:19:14 (Last activity: 28th Jun 2021 12:11:37)
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Hi all, I have just joined and looking for some conversation and ideas of what to do now that lock downs have lifted. Thanks
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 28th Jun 2021 08:06:17
Hi Leigh5700,

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Response from PatriciaB96 made on 28th Jun 2021 12:11:37
Good evening leigh5700 and welcome to the site, I hope you will make lots of new friends here
23rd Jun 2021 19:31:09 (Last activity: 23rd Jun 2021 22:56:25)
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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 23rd Jun 2021 22:56:25
Hi Sandra0,

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4th May 2021 20:16:45 (Last activity: 23rd Jun 2021 16:15:20)
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hi lancashire valley lol sounds a lot like me however you are much more active, i seem to have gotten very lazy in my dotage. lost my best friend of 57 years a few years ago so no more sounding board. as you noted. as you noted children are great but do not compare to a good friend. i am also flying solo although husband is still alive and living in our old house. not much to do during this pandemic and i dont have a lovely valley to walk in, somehow tramping on the streets of montreal would not compare. have been following the news channels both american and canadian and they have left me in fear for the younger generation. they have also dampened my enthusiasm for life. will be on often if you want to chat. Tya
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 4th May 2021 20:28:15
Hi Tya,

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Response from Tya made on 4th May 2021 20:44:35 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
hey thanks for welcome, lol not great on this site am typing then it all disappears. i guess with time it will work out. this old brain works a bit slower than it use to . Tya
Response from sandra485 made on 8th May 2021 12:07:14 > @Tya
I am sandra retired 71 and a carer
Are you still on this site
Response from Sweetsue1953 made on 5th Jun 2021 11:13:09
Hi just read ur story . I am single age 68 . Fed up like u at times . . Lost my mum last June . Was an horrendous time . But getting there slowly . I have two brothers one I don’t speak to . The other lives next door to me . See him quite a lot . But if if I want any thing doing . Yes it’s a case of get on with it . I have a niece lives in Middlesborough . Spent two weeks with them . A few weeks ago . But heard from her once since then . If they want money there there on the phone . Straight away . . Nice talking to u . x
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 5th Jun 2021 13:14:10 > @Sweetsue1953
Hi Sweetsue1953,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

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Response from sandra485 made on 23rd Jun 2021 16:15:20 > @Sweetsue1953
Hi June do you still want someone to chat too
22nd Jun 2021 12:02:21 (Last activity: 22nd Jun 2021 16:05:24)
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Hello I am a newbie, I live on the Gold Coast, and 64. 2 grown up children. Looking to make friends.
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 22nd Jun 2021 16:05:24
Good afternoon Michelle 56 and welcome to the site, I hope you will make lots of new friends here
3rd May 2021 22:48:06 (Last activity: 21st Jun 2021 10:31:04)
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Not long joined,my brave,beautiful wife died recently and has left a void in my life.I try to keep myself occupied but the emptiness is overbearing at times.I'm hoping that through chat and exchanging experiences this will help my feeling of isolation.I have few friends,they have either passed over or moved on,in the words of the late great Willy Pep "First your legs go.Then your reflexes and then your friends"LOL
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 4th May 2021 07:38:50
Hi formbyflyer,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from GrahamD95 made on 4th May 2021 10:34:09
Hi Formbyflyer

I have recently retired and moved from my work area so I feel something similar. Trying to rebuild a 'social circle' is not easy as you get older not least in this time of Covid. I have been a member of The Ramblers for years but never gone along to any of their walks. Perhaps that's a way forward. Anyway, if would want, please reply and we can have a chat.
Response from formbyflyer made on 4th May 2021 11:18:33 > @GrahamD95
Hi Graham,thank you for response,I'm not one for writing long protracted letters but it is good to know that someone out there took time out to write a reply and for that I'm grateful. I have thought of joining local groups but at the moment I'm holding back as I don't want to inflict my misery onto other people.I'm constantly hearing "Times a great healer" from well meaning acquaintances,at this present time this is not happening for me.Maybe my bereavement pains will subside and I can start feeling more sociable,just to air my feelings to you,a stranger,helps so thank you for lending me your ear. Take care Formbyflyer.
Response from GrahamD95 made on 4th May 2021 11:57:28
Thanks for the reply. You must have loved each other very much and that is a great gift in itself. Time may, one day, dull the pain which of course is not what you really want. That perhaps is for another time and place. In the meantime, can I suggest you cut yourself some slack and allow others to be with you on life's journey. As the old advert says - it's good to talk; usually for talker and listener!

Take care and reply anytime, Graham
Response from Tya made on 4th May 2021 20:41:25 > @formbyflyer
Response from Angel9uk made on 21st Jun 2021 10:31:04 > @formbyflyer
Little by little we can let go of loss, but we never let go of love.
15th Jun 2021 00:17:22 (Last activity: 20th Jun 2021 12:22:18)
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My family and friends keep in touch now and again, especially when they want money off me..:)
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 20th Jun 2021 12:22:18
Good afternoon and welcome to the site, mickinplymouth , I hope you will make lots of new friends here,
16th Jun 2021 01:34:26 (Last activity: 16th Jun 2021 08:03:13)
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Greetings from sunny Tucson AZ.
I have never joined a chat before, so please excuse my "newness". I find as I have passed the 70 year age mark, my longtime friends are disappearing at an alarming rate. I find myself writing Heaven in my address book much more often. Neighbors of years and years are moving to be closer to their children, so here I am, hoping to find some new friends.

I am a professional artist, a gourmet cook, and an avid gardener. The heat here in Tucson limits my summer cooking, but when our winter comes around, I'm out in that kitchen rattlin' those pots and pans.

I am originally from the Northwest suburbs of Chicago, and I'm hoping there will be some Windy City friends to chat with. I will consider all new friends a gift.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 16th Jun 2021 08:03:13
Hi MaureenB167,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

15th Jun 2021 14:23:04
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Thank you for your post. I am new to chat rooms. I am 70. walking, jigsaw puzzles, reading biographies and my children live a ways away, are very busy with their lives and I would like to have some online friends if possible. I noticed your post was 9/3/15 so I don't know if you are still posting to this website. May you have a refreshing day.
26th May 2021 23:25:53 (Last activity: 27th May 2021 07:50:24)
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Hi, where in Lancashire are you. I to live in a beautiful valley and do lots of walking with my pooches.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 27th May 2021 07:50:24
Hi JustHannah,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

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8th May 2021 10:34:13 (Last activity: 25th May 2021 23:41:01)
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Would love to keep company...electronically..I am in a similar position to would appreciate a "pen-friend" such..


Response from Ariadne made on 22nd May 2021 10:19:30
Hello Alfred ,pen friend number one here , Never had much luck with finding responses either .however ,hope springs eternal .I much prefer pen and paper pals, but most succumbed to broken nails ,and major misspelling. I live in South Yorkshire ,15 minute drive from the Chatsworth estate ,so i do visit quite a lot .to see the duke's huge herd of deer. plus ,any excuse to get behind the wheel of my lively car. I will keep this short ,in case you don't reply ,or,it gets lost !!!!
Response from Alfred6 made on 25th May 2021 23:41:01 > @Ariadne
Hi there Ariadne...
Beautiful name..if I may say so..
I am down on the south coast..Dorset...was originally from London..but removed further south after retirement..Do miss the "old smoke"...well..the night life really. As I worked in the casino world,my social life was "upside down",as it were..totally opposite to "9 to 5ers"..
You sound as lively as your do hope we can get along electronically...If it suits..I am available(??!!) on [email protected].
..Hope to hear from you..either via here or email.
Take care,
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