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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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18th May 2018 22:11:33
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I would be interested in hearing from Males/Females in the Cumbria area and Lancashire .
14th Apr 2018 10:07:14 (Last activity: 12th May 2018 19:47:13)
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Hello, I have just joined and wondered whether there are any members living in the Bedfordshire area. I returned from living in Spain 6 months ago. So far, I have joined a walking group, a choir and have been to a laughter yoga class!! I am interested in healthy living and nutrition; I love reading, socializing in small groups and cooking.
Response from SilverBlue made on 14th Apr 2018 15:59:48
Hi Polly

Welcome to the site , I Live in Hertfordshire not too far from you
Response from Luc1a made on 11th May 2018 09:17:16
What is a laughter yoga class?
Response from SilverBlue made on 12th May 2018 18:59:39
Yes I was wondering what a laughter yoga class - anyone know?
Response from Polly09 made on 12th May 2018 19:47:13
Laughter yoga was the brain child of an Indian doctor! If you look it up on Youtube you can see examples of the classes. It is a fun way of exercising and is good for your lungs!!
11th May 2018 07:26:43
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Hello! I joined some time last year but never got round to posting a msg. I'm 59, former teacher - had a stroke in 2011 while in service and moved back to Fife after 35 years living in Edinburgh and mainly Leicester. Been back in Fife 7 yrs now and need to expand my social circle, which is currently non-existent! The stroke left me with slight limp but didn't affect my face. Main interests are reading and pop/rock music - I use my exercise bike a lot but can't run or hike, etc. Would appreciate contact from similar aged males - not looking for any romantic involvement with either sex. Thanks for reading this.
9th May 2018 16:57:20 (Last activity: 10th May 2018 10:32:59)
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Response from CaroleAH made on 9th May 2018 22:34:22
Hi Myklebust and Thruxtonbiker,
The site hasn't closed down but seems to go "quiet" from time to time! Hope you have ticked all the boxes on your account page so that you know when some-one has added a comment to a subject which you have previously written about. I find it difficult to get on the Forum when I use my iPad but am fine when I use my PC.
I notice that you and your wife live in Norway, Myklebust - do you speak Norwegian? It's a country that is on my bucket list to visit so fingers crossed that I get there one day and also manage to see the Aurora Borealis; that really would be the icing on the cake 🙂 I will look forward to seeing photos of your magnificent scenery on the Community Showcase.
Keep dipping into subjects on the forum which interest you and add your comments and also visit Speakers Corner - that gets quite lively at times and you will soon start to recognise names of people who make regular contributions and those of us who only make the occasional foray into Silversurfing!
Response from CaroleAH made on 10th May 2018 10:32:59
Photos don't upload immediately - presumably they have to be censored first 🙂 Your photos have now appeared and they are great - how lovely to live in such beautiful surroundings. How far are you from your nearest shop? I wonder if there is a Sainsburys equivalent that does door-to-door deliveries! I will send you a message in Private Chat and see if you can see that as well as the forum posts.
6th May 2018 18:06:07
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Hi just responding to your post. I'm finding it difficult to communicate on here!
4th May 2018 17:49:51
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I am new to this forum. I live in the Midlands region of England - U.K.
I am friendly / easy going / sociable /independant / very youthful

Seeking friendly / easy going / interesting / sociable friends . Male or female . Preferably 50 to 65 age group.

Please get in touch - if u r looking to meet new friends. Thank you.
15th Apr 2018 12:55:31 (Last activity: 1st May 2018 16:30:41)
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Hi all, new here (well a week or so), struggling with this site as so many of us seem to be! Looking for holiday companion(s) as I need to go on holiday lots and lots! I can't work out the chat or how to find my way back to some of my posts so if you think you may fit the bill having looked at my profile then my mail is at the bottom. It is my username at sky dot com. Hope to hear from someone soon, I seem to have a lot of 'likes' but not sure what that means either!
Response from Laylasmum made on 27th Apr 2018 20:17:41
Hi Rhoda

I was looking for the same thing. I don't have anyone to go on holiday with and I don't particularly want to go alone. Love travelling. Been to nice exotic places and local ones. I am looking for holidays in august October November and maybe even...... Christmas. Poor me eh
Response from JuneR8 made on 1st May 2018 16:30:41
Hi rhonda, I'd new here, and lost as well. I am 65 years young! I need platonic friends, make and female! I am retired now and my boyfriend, for the last ten years, died a month ago!! It's ok because he isn't in pain, instead, he's safe in God's arms!!!!
18th Mar 2018 18:29:44 (Last activity: 28th Apr 2018 00:46:15)
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hi everyone im also new to silversurfers not confident in using this sight as unsure of what buttons to press lol would be happy to chat with anyone about various topics etc
Response from 9blackbird made on 19th Mar 2018 17:58:37
Hi there, you will soon find your way around. It’s trial and error!
Response from Angel9uk made on 20th Mar 2018 10:27:59
Do you like Gone with the Wind??
Response from beauret made on 20th Mar 2018 16:48:15
hi there nice to have a reply .Sorry to say ive not watched gone with the wind .Was there any reason to ask that question At the moment im reading a book by victoria Cornwall its called the thief,s daughter .Do you read ?
Response from Angel9uk made on 21st Mar 2018 15:48:58
Your name, made me think of the characters,
I think there was a Beau and there was Rhett Butler 🙂 thought it might be an allusion to them.
Yes I read. Mostly crime fiction or historical novels.
Like films - just about every genre except supernatural horrors!!! Have nightmares hahaha.
Love history and historical buildings - castles, abbeys, stately homes, museums.
Response from oldosc made on 23rd Mar 2018 18:55:22
Was it not Beauregard
Response from SusanH443 made on 8th Apr 2018 13:54:04
Hello from me in my little bit of England. I'm new here, first post on my phone. I liked Gone With The Wind and also like reading most genres, including horror, supernatural and sci-fi, fave though are crime fiction and Historical novels
Response from Angel9uk made on 9th Apr 2018 16:45:55
Another rainy day here on the East Coast Susan.H443. Where are you located? Nothing to do but read and listen to music and wait for the sunshine hahaha.
Response from Laylasmum made on 27th Apr 2018 20:25:54
It's rainy on the south coast as well. Sadly,
Response from Angel9uk made on 28th Apr 2018 00:46:15
And still it rains!!! Hahaha. More than just April showers.
27th Apr 2018 22:36:50
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Greetings - Completely new to "Chat". Just turned 60 at the beginning of this week (April 23) so I guess I'm starting to consider myself a "senior". Looking for like minded individuals for new friends. Live in the beautiful state of California and am extremely active. Have 4 relatively well adjusted grown children and no grandchildren yet. 🙁 Feel free to reach out and say HELLO!
23rd Apr 2018 22:30:29
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Just joined,so not sure how all this works,I have read some of the posts just to see what people are saying and what it’s about I’ll call in again (if I can find it) then I’ll be able to write a bit about myself
24th Mar 2018 13:39:10 (Last activity: 22nd Apr 2018 19:09:26)
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Just joined today. I've recently lost my job of 14 years due to down sizing and as I continue my online applications after 6 weeks I find my confidence beginning to slip. I'm 59 years old living in Georgia. My adult children, sister and sister-in-law are all very supportive via phone calls here and there but I have no other social contact because work WAS my social circle unfortunately, and I now find myself becoming more and more isolated. I need to develop some friendships even if only through social media right now. I refuse to give up and drive to the store for pity party balloons for myself quite yet, so I'm going to give this a try and see if there are any folks out here who may want to talk about their life so I could forget about my own for a while.
Response from karlk made on 19th Apr 2018 17:19:37
I know how you feel, continue to stay positive!!
Response from lifeinvanilla made on 22nd Apr 2018 19:09:26
Hi, I really understand how you feel. I remember how it was for me when I found myself unemployed .. at the time I was around 58 and no-one was interested in my skills or experience. It was a dreadful time and my self confidence was at an all time low after trudging round agencies and attending interviews where it was clear I was viewed as being 'past it' and 'over the hill'. I managed to get a temporary job (thankfully, there was only one other candidate) and have now worked full time on a permanent basis for almost 3 years. To my surprise, I have won awards within the company and am a highly valued employee. Take heart, it really is possible! Good on you for refusing to give up.

Think positive and keep going. I take it from your post that you are hoping to return to employment and so I would say if you have yet to find a job, look out for temporary or charity work .. anything that keeps you active, motivated and will be viewed favourably by potential employers.

As you posted a little while ago, you may have already been successful in finding what you want. I certainly hope so and wish you lots of luck!
13th Apr 2018 09:36:57 (Last activity: 22nd Apr 2018 18:47:54)
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I have just joined the site and am wondering if there are any other members in their 70s!? I live near Lymington Hampshire and wonder if there are any groups that meet up for a coffee or chat.
Response from lifeinvanilla made on 22nd Apr 2018 18:47:54
Hi, I hope you find some new friends on this site. I'm from the Bournemouth/Poole area and believe that Meetups are active in and around Lymington. Just type in in your browser, select your area and see what is available. I hope this helps and good luck!
14th Apr 2018 02:07:54
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hi everyone...just joining this website now.....wondering if there is any member in there 50?i live in newyork city
24th Mar 2018 18:57:38 (Last activity: 9th Apr 2018 15:49:56)
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I joined a while ago but was in another forum so didn’t post on here however there has been some unpleasantness and I don’t want to continue on there even though I have paid a subscription. I was made redundant in February from a major company after over 17 years. I still feel quite bereft. Nobody wants to employ me although they are interested in my experience. I think a) they can rather guess my gage and b) the various comments have been that I have too much experience and would be bored, leave early, the job is too junior, one even said that my line manager would not have as much experience as me and therefore it would not be suitable.

I had to sign in the job centre to protect my pay in lieu of notice but, to be honest, I am not going back there. I will take the financial hit. It is horrible going there. I am looking into setting up as a freelancer for work related related learning and safeguarding training. I don’t really want to as I am almost 63 and would rather be doing my old job but that has gone. At least if I am freelance I can kick and choose my days and times of working.

So basically I am feeling a bit low and hoping, like Gknelizi, to make new acquaintances and have different conversations,
Response from Gkneeliz1 made on 25th Mar 2018 17:17:19
MrsTB I too feel like I am experiencing some "age discrimination" at 59 years old, even though I am bright, in good health, have no intention of retiring anytime soon and have no small children at home, etc so am a viable employee. I have no idea why I continue to have my resume "round filed" by employers. It's discouraging at times at then to be lonely and isolated on top of things can really get to you. Different conversations would help. I'm going to look into some volunteer work maybe with animal shelters for now which will help my frame of mind but that won't pay the mortgage. I'm eating away at my retirement money and it's making me nervous.
Response from kputala made on 5th Apr 2018 20:23:05
I am seeing the same type of discrimination at 52. I apply for jobs that I am qualified for and have specifically performed before and never even get a call back or email. Unfortunately, the application system now is all in favor of companies discriminating and there is really no way it can be proven. You rarely, if ever, speak to anyone anymore, just apply online and get automated emails you cannot respond to. I believe some companies even have programs that weed out applications upon submission and automatically send out rejection notices. I say this because I have applied to jobs online before, on a weekend, and received an email within 5 minutes stating that they appreciate me applying but they decided to hire someone who's experience better fit their needs. In 5 minutes?

Working as yourself as a free lancer may be hard at first and maybe even longer hours, but you are building something that is YOURS and I would rather work 18 hours a day for myself than 8 to make someone else rich and reach their dreams. Best of luck to you!
Response from MrsTB made on 9th Apr 2018 15:49:56
Until 1999 I was self employed and ran a florists shop with my husband, that is one reason I would rather be employed, I want certainty. we have paid off our mortgage, my husband is working, we have no debts, well we will have when my dental treatment is finished but we have that money put away. I am still applying for positions but am getting increasingly frustrated with, as you say, no response.

Still not sure what I am going to do, since redundancy in February I have occupied myself with applying for jobs, doing on line courses to keep myself up to date with safeguarding etc, and of the course the odd interview and finishing the renovations we started in November which, of course, we wouldn’t have started if we knew what was coming but if we are going to be hard up we might as well be hard up in nice surroundings! To be fair we won’t be broke but my income was quite big and we do not want to break into the redundancy money.
6th Apr 2018 19:54:47
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Hi, just here to introduce my mum. I am finding this site typically (looking at other comments!) difficult to use. My mum is pretty lonely and housebound. She is 84 and is has her full mental faculties but is slowly losing her long term friends and contacts. Lives in Cheshire but online friendship would be great! Would love to hear from anyone of her generation or slightly younger! Please get in touch with Sheila.
5th Apr 2018 20:15:24
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Hi, I'm Kevin,

Just joined SIlver Surfers from sunny Tampa, Florida! I'll be 52 in a week, work as an armed security officer, was a certified personal trainer/Specialist in Senior Fitness, and a martial artist/instructor. After a work injury I had 2 rotator cuff surgeries, then a knee surgery and cannot do as much as I used to, but I am taking back my health, have lost 20+ pounds and came off of my blood pressure meds. Being 50+ means nothing. We can live active, full lives well into our later years if we choose to do something about it. Now my focus is blogging on senior fitness and helping men be all God created them to be.

Glad to be here!
24th Mar 2018 20:04:55 (Last activity: 26th Mar 2018 08:30:06)
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New to silver surfers, Saturday night and watching catch up TV feel a bit lost sometimes, my husband died almost 2years ago I work full time though still in the process of living happily alone full time
Response from JeriD123 made on 26th Mar 2018 08:30:06
Greetings from the Pacific Northwest of the US!
25th Mar 2018 22:46:21
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I can't figure out why this forum doesn't show posts in chronological order.
24th Mar 2018 07:28:36 (Last activity: 25th Mar 2018 16:43:43)
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Greetings from the Pacific Northwest corner of the United States! I am a 60 yo artist and life long learner. My family includes grown offspring, grand offspring, and all of my beloved friends both far and near. Drop me a response & let's connect!
Response from Margaret1302 made on 25th Mar 2018 16:25:43
Hello from the East Coast! "Life long learner" - love that!
Response from Margaret1302 made on 25th Mar 2018 16:43:43
Hi from NY! "life long learner" - love that!
24th Mar 2018 21:17:53 (Last activity: 25th Mar 2018 16:23:33)
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Hi, I just joined today looking to develop friendships, connections and to widen my social circle. I am going through a stage in my life where everything is uncertain, not sure what I want to do next but I do know that I need to do something really quickly to earn an income. I have 2 beautiful children whose love give me great motivation to get up every morning. I am usually a positive person, so any negative remarks or accusations about me just depresses me. Anyways, I hope there is someone out there who would like to just say 'hello' and we will see how it goes ...
Response from JeriD123 made on 25th Mar 2018 12:15:01
Hello from the Pacific Northwest coast of the US!
Response from Margaret1302 made on 25th Mar 2018 16:23:33
Hello from NY!!
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