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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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14th Nov 2021 01:03:24
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Greetings from beautiful, sunny, warm South Florida, USA. I'm brand new, really old, and obviously bored. Got a cat and feed the birds, ducks, geese in the back yard.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th Nov 2021 08:30:11
Hi bubbajo,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from bubbajo made on 15th Nov 2021 00:32:10 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
I think I noted in my profile that I was UK. I am Not---I am USA. I know this is primarily a UK site but it looked interesting and SAFE to me.
Response from bubbajo made on 17th Nov 2021 00:52:53
Don't know how long it takes for someone to start a conversation, but I can chat about a lot of things----just no politics or religion. I have two very grown daughters---one in Tennessee and one in New Mexico. Have traveled quite a bit. Owned two standard poodles until last year when old age caught up with them. Maybe something in there will strike a chord with someone !!! Oh, and I am a graduate of University of Alabama if anybody follows college football.
Response from bubbajo made on 17th Mar 2022 00:05:47
Hi there Annie....

So glad to finally get a response from somebody. You might have seen that I am in the USA, but you didn't mention where you were.
Yes, my two poodles---Magnolia and Honeybun--were very ,very special. Most everyone knows that standard poodles are EXTREMELY smart. They are almost like having a child for sure. Their intuition is almost scary at times.
I couldn't face not having some kind of companion, so I adopted a rescue kitten. He is a Garfield---orange named CLANCY. He is 2 years old now and spoiled rotten. I have always had cats and dogs---siamese cats. In fact my daughter who lives in Nashville has 4 !!! All siamese and all rescues.
I hope that gets us started chatting. I am in South Florida where today it was 84 degrees. I moved here from Chicago but have travelled quite a bit.
Again, thanks for your response and look forward to hearing from you again.

Response from bubbajo made on 18th Mar 2022 00:11:06

Gosh, it's great to hear from somebody after weeks of NOTHING. Seems fortuitous that we are in the same state----and on a primarily British website.
Thought I would give you a little more info and perhaps some other topics that might be of mutual interest.
I am a big fan of MUSIC. Played in a small town symphony as a kid and actually had my own little string ensemble in high school. I played cello. So I get a lot of entertainment from listening to music now. I like most kinds except for todays popular stuff which masquerades as music.

Places I've lived-----Alabama, Texas, Georgia, Illinois, and Florida. I was in electronics in my working days and travelled pretty extensively. Started out as a school teacher though---math and science.
My wife passed away three years ago from a severe case of alzheimers. Most people don't know it can be fatal. She was a registered nurse.
I have two daughters---one in Nashville and one in Santa Fe, New Mexico. One is a financial specialist, and the other had her own internet business and don't think she works anymore. Neither is married, so no grandchillun..
So there's a lot of info in a short summary. Hope you reciprocate with a little more insight into what interests you.

Take care,

Response from Bettykaren made on 19th May 2022 12:31:41 > @bubbajo
Hi Bubbajo

I’m Katrina age 45 I live in USA came across all your comments on the forum and I’ll say it’s nice I’ll like to have a conversation with you I’m tired of being bored staying home alone
Response from NanaG1963 made on 29th Jun 2022 06:01:59 > @bubbajo
I'm in the USA also and just joined, I miss the good old days of a0l chat rooms.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 29th Jun 2022 08:17:09 > @NanaG1963
Hi NanaG1963,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Bettykaren made on 29th Jun 2022 12:36:03 > @NanaG1963
Oh yeah…I hope everything is going fine over there?
Response from bubbajo made on 30th Jun 2022 01:07:30 > @NanaG1963
Never participated in AOL chat rooms so kinda in the dark about your comment. If you read any of my comments, you know I'm in Florida. So if you want to chat, pick a subject and I'll do my best.
Response from Bettykaren made on 30th Jun 2022 14:50:32 > @bubbajo
Hi can we private chat I’ll like to know more about yourself maybe if I could have your mail
5th Jul 2024 13:33:24
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Is it too late for us to become friends .
2nd Jul 2024 09:22:34 (Last activity: 4th Jul 2024 14:46:28)
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New so still working it all out 🙂 Hello from the southwest of Scotland 🙂
Response from Baileybird11 made on 2nd Jul 2024 16:30:21
Hi from Manchester, England
Response from HappyHippie1962 made on 2nd Jul 2024 21:43:49 > @Baileybird11
Thank you
Response from Beauty made on 4th Jul 2024 14:46:28
Hi Surrey based Great site, just need to persevere.
17th Apr 2024 02:00:32 (Last activity: 17th Apr 2024 21:01:35)
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Hello my first time here and was reading your post. I am married but my husband works late my daughter moved out three months ago. I still work alit but have several days and hours alone. I haven’t joined any groups yet and o trying hobbies in the evenings. But I’m still very lonely. I don’t have friends that are like everyday friends. Only social once in a while get together. I miss my daughter. She doesn’t call much I only see her if I call her tell her to come over for her hills or dinner etc. I’m looking for friends to chat with and even go do things with it’s hurtful and depressing when your kids get grown independent and don’t want to come around and even worse with no friends. To talk to. I know everyone says but you have your husband but sometimes women need women friends or male. We need other people to talk to.
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 17th Apr 2024 21:01:35
Good evening and welcome to the site, I hope you will find lots of friends, there are many nice people on here and lots to chat
14th Feb 2024 15:58:28 (Last activity: 2nd Apr 2024 19:25:03)
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recently widowed age 75
Response from 2LateSmart made on 19th Feb 2024 16:04:50
Sorry for your loss. It takes time to get through it…not over it, just through it. It is said that it takes about 1/3 the number of years together for the healing process to start. So don't think that there's something wrong with you if the process takes a while it's not moribund mourning.... it's actually quite normal.
Bless you
Response from ThelmaM9 made on 2nd Apr 2024 19:25:03
Hi there, I'm also recently widowed, very suddenly in January not easy is it? I have good days and bad, the evenings are the worst I find.
Scotsfemale 54
24th Mar 2024 21:45:48 (Last activity: 27th Mar 2024 20:51:26)
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Hiya, Im female 62 and live in Scotland, I know exactly how you feel. I live on my own dont have any friends and kids do their own thing.
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 27th Mar 2024 20:00:20
Good evening, welcome to the site , there are lots of people here and from..all walks of life , many topics you can chat about
Response from Scotsfemale 54 made on 27th Mar 2024 20:51:26
Thank you Patricia : -)
26th Mar 2024 19:52:36 (Last activity: 27th Mar 2024 19:58:04)
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Hi would love to chat Louise
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 27th Mar 2024 19:58:04
Good evening, I hope you will make lots of new friends here , it's a nice site,
27th Mar 2024 19:56:58
Thanks for voting!
Good evening and welcome to the site, I hope you will make lots of new friends here
9th Mar 2024 20:13:34 (Last activity: 13th Mar 2024 09:15:58)
Thanks for voting!
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 13th Mar 2024 09:15:58
Good morning and welcome to the site , I hope you will make lots of new friends here , there are many nice people here , lots about , good luck .
22nd Feb 2024 03:20:00
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So sorry. Hope you feel better soon!
22nd Feb 2024 03:19:05
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wonderful! best to you.
Andree Rachele
17th Feb 2024 21:44:57 (Last activity: 19th Feb 2024 16:00:48)
Thanks for voting!
We'll hello ..same as me xx
Response from 2LateSmart made on 19th Feb 2024 16:00:48
I see from your posting - and so many other posts - that many people come from the UK. I, on the other hand, come from one of the colonies… America. I welcome and appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you and exchange ideas about what's going on in your world and mine. Thank you.
17th Feb 2024 23:51:14 (Last activity: 19th Feb 2024 15:59:54)
Thanks for voting!
Hi, Christine from Bristol here for the first time.
Response from 2LateSmart made on 19th Feb 2024 15:59:54
I see from your posting - and so many other posts - that many people come from the UK. I, on the other hand, come from one of the colonies… America. I welcome and appreciate the opportunity to communicate with you and exchange ideas about what's going on in your world and mine. Thank you.
19th Feb 2024 15:56:01
Thanks for voting!
I think it's been said that the Jews have a way of describing what you mentioned...a parent can raise five children but five children can not take care of one parent. Must be frustrating for you especially since it seems that you strive to do more things and better yourself. Don't waste anymore time dwelling on the past and how children have let you down when you needed them. That happens. It says more about them than it says about you. If they can turn their back on you after all the years that you've given them what will it take for them to turn their backs on their partners.
Don't give up.
17th Feb 2024 09:20:17
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Hi, I'm Stuart, from Cheshire. I know exactly what you mean. I went back to college in my late 40s so I take my hat off to you. I'd be happy to chat and see if we could spark off a friendship? Not quite sure how it all works though. Would we just message here?
29th Jan 2024 09:53:13 (Last activity: 16th Feb 2024 14:06:59)
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I have been a member here now for the best part of three minutes so thought it was about time I left a message. Pity that I can't think of anything interesting to say, but i guess that good manners dictate that I should introduce myself. I am not sure how we deal with real names here so will leave that for now, but I am a single man living in Gateshead who will turn 60 in two days time. I am happy with my lot, but also maybe considering a little bit of a reboot.

Looking forward to meeting you all.
Response from Iss made on 2nd Feb 2024 15:21:51
Hello Fugazi64 Just to say I hope you have a lovely 60th birthday. I come from Scotland and thought I would come on and see who I could chat too as the weather here is horrible . Iss
Response from Fugazi64 made on 3rd Feb 2024 11:02:50 > @Iss
Hello Iss,

Lovely to hear from you. I had a good day on my birthday (just quiet drinks with my brother and sister) and a few days off work either side, which was nice.

In Gateshead the weather is drizzly.....always!!!.....I quite like it really.

Take care and keep in touch. it would be nice to know more about you.

Response from PatriciaB96 made on 16th Feb 2024 14:06:59
Good afternoon and welcome to the site , I hope you make lots of new friends here , many nice people and lots to chat about , enjoy your day
18th Jan 2024 21:13:06 (Last activity: 2nd Feb 2024 15:33:14)
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I just joined yesterday, I can understand how you are feeling, I'm a young 71, just lost my husband 2 months ago, I don't have any family close to me, so it is very lonely, and i have learned over the years that its not strange, that's just what they have turned out to be, but yes I agree, they do seem to forget us
Response from Iss made on 2nd Feb 2024 15:33:14
Hi LissaJ Just to say so very sorry to hear about you losing your husband 2 months ago so sad . I hope you find some friends on here to chat too soon if you like you can chat with me anytime so don’t hesitate to do that please . I am a retired lady from Scotland. Hope to hear from you soon. Iss
2nd Feb 2024 13:58:15
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Good afternoon, and welcome to the site , there are plenty of people here who are friendly, lots of different topics to chat about , I hope you will enjoy your time here , enjoy your day
17th Jan 2024 02:05:22 (Last activity: 25th Jan 2024 12:36:22)
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Hello…I am new so bear with me.
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 25th Jan 2024 12:36:22
Good afternoon, it's a nice site , many nice people are here , I hope you will enjoy your time here
19th Jan 2024 12:06:39 (Last activity: 21st Jan 2024 15:31:02)
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Just joined today, and I'm in my early 70's, having been retired for a long while. Currently living in Northamptonshire, wher I have been now for two decades. I'm a member of the National Trust and English Heritage, as I enjoy visiting their properties every chance I get Lookng to find like minded people.
Response from Beauty made on 21st Jan 2024 15:31:02
Hi SG etc Hope you make friends on here....friendly site. All the best
21st Jan 2024 13:13:04
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Hi , try your local citizen advice bureau, or your local council
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