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Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat with

Hey, just new to the group, I’m 50, female, and new to a town where I know no one... just looking for people to chat to

Created By on 07/09/2020

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10th Jan 2023 01:29:12 (Last activity: 10th Jan 2023 09:00:08)
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new here myself and looking lets chat and see what happen
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 10th Jan 2023 09:00:08
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4th Nov 2022 15:38:10 (Last activity: 26th Dec 2022 19:28:06)
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Hi folks ( if anyone is there) I am an 84 year old widow (of many years) and thankfully say I have all my marbles! I am part of a small but close family who keep in touch by What’s App for news and pics but I live alone so do miss a chat.I’m an avid tv watcher of documentaries ranging from crime to cooking and farming to family life but no soaps or silliness.If you have any free time drop me a line or two please.
Response from Terry48 made on 5th Nov 2022 18:22:17
Hi Beany, hope that you get a lot of replies to your post, as I know how
you feel living on your own and feeling lonely. I live in a retirement
block of flats and have a one bedroom ground floor flat, so I do have
the best of both worlds, as I can stay in my flat or go into the lounge
if I want a bit of company. I am 74 years old ( going on 24 ) and I live
in Southampton, my name is Terry, and would be pleased to chat with
you if you would like, so have a good evening, and stay safe, all best
wishes, Terry.
Response from Beany made on 5th Nov 2022 20:13:31
Hello Terry happy bonfire night.Thanks for your reply and good wishes.My sister and her husband live in a place such as you describe and she LOVES it, him not so much but obviously it is each to their own and honestly It would not suit me.I would not like joining in with lots of folk for bingo,film night,quizz night etc etc I am extremely happy here in the house I love and have the freedom to do as I please when I please.Now I feel you will have totally the wrong impression of me so I will close now and if you want to keep in touch I hope in time you will learn more about “ the real me” Cheers
Response from Terry48 made on 5th Nov 2022 21:16:28 > @Beany
Good evening Beany, I suppose I had better keep chatting to you then
I may get to know the real youhaha I think that you are right though
this type of accommodation is not for everyone, I myself have had a
few second thoughts since I have been here, but will not be moving
at my age, so have to make the most of life here, and it’s not too bad.We have had a wet and windy day here today, so a bit of a damp squid for
the firework night, there has been a few going off that I can hear, but I
don’t think that it’s the same occasion as it used to be. Well had better
finish off for now, will have one more cup of tea, and see if there is a
decent film on the TV to take me up to bed time, so sleep well, and
happy dreams, all best wishes, Terry.
Response from AJDallas made on 7th Dec 2022 01:49:26 > @Beany
Hi Beany, Terry,
Hope I can join in the chat. I too, am 60 feeling 40. Live with my elderly aunt she is 87 but great and so funny. Problem is pretty much housebound, although not physically.. I love crime series on Netflix, and real crime documentaries and dare I say it law & order special victims I hope I can join in your chat x
Response from Beany made on 7th Dec 2022 09:58:10 > @AJDallas
Hello I’m Beany otherwise Jean I responded to your message a few hours ago then lost what I had written so I’ll try again.I am always ready to chat but must tell you I am a lot nearer your Aunts age than to you I feel I am housebound but it is through choice as I have a history of hurling myself to the ground at regular intervals ( seven) over the years,fortunately never doing any damage either to myself or the hard surfaces I hit( other of course to my pride) When lockdown came along coinciding with me recovering from a cancer operation I felt safer staying indoors so I now only venture outside on the arm of a younger fit relative..If you feel you would like to chat any time do p lease get in touch and we can say how we go eh? Have a good day.
Response from Terry48 made on 7th Dec 2022 11:46:43 > @AJDallas
Hi AJ Dallas, nice to hear from you, I am of course Terry, I live in the
city of Southampton, am a fair bit older than you at 74, but like you
feel and act like someone a good deal younger.
I love to travel and since I retired tend to spend some of the winter
months in South Africa, have not long come back from a trip to Cape
Town, have been there many times, but the long flights do tend to
make me tired as can’t sleep on planes.
Sorry to hear that you are essentially housebound, but probably not
too bad in this cold weather.
My father came from South Wales, a little village near Swansea, do
know the name but can’t spell it. ( something like Ystalaferra ) sorry
if that is nowhere like the spelling, wish you Welsh would learn to
speak English haha.
Well enough waffle from me, so am always here if you want to continue
chatting, take care and stay warm, best wishes, Terry.
Response from Sunshinekurlz made on 9th Dec 2022 21:41:54 > @Terry48
Hi Terry I have seen in your thread where you travel to sa... Big smile...
And I am saying hello to beanie and AJ too
I spent my childhood in sa
Response from Sunshinekurlz made on 9th Dec 2022 21:45:25 > @Beany
I wish my mum had embraced technology as you have xx
Response from Beany made on 10th Dec 2022 10:06:48 > @Sunshinekurlz
Hello all lovely sunshine but very frosty.We are in Britain so what else can we expect? Let’s be happy and be thankful for what we’ve got.Wrap up and keep warm and most of all smile.I’ll bet we all have lots of lovely memories.Have a good day
Response from Terry48 made on 10th Dec 2022 12:41:41 > @Sunshinekurlz
Hi Sunshinekurtz, thank you for replying to my message, some do and
some don’t, you take pot luck on this site, Yes I was in Cape Town in
October, have been many times, had a wonderful couple of weeks, but
as I have said, may not go again due to the long flights. Would love to go
again but may now look at Europe for trips next year, A cold day here in
Southampton, expect that it is Nationwide, still have the heating on and
just going to put some soup in the microwave to heat up, thanks once
again for taking the time to message, maybe we can chat about S Africa
some other time, take care and stay warm, best wishes, Terry.
Response from AJDallas made on 11th Dec 2022 22:40:32 > @Beany
Hi Beany,
Don’t know how to work this site so I’m sorry if you don’t hear from me. I understand completely. Life is short as we get older, but we are still here! My aunt was so active, had a fall fractured her hip, then Covid hit us. My aunt does go out twice a week, but we are talking about a lady who walked two to three miles daily. However, we do laugh, have a cheeky wine and are thankful for family although not near. Happy to chat xx
Response from AJDallas made on 11th Dec 2022 22:55:30 > @Terry48
Hi Terry,
So sorry I thought you were a real estate agent I live on the Gower very near Swansea, and too have travelled. Many parts USA, lived in Turin, Italy, Amsterdam, Holland but not in the red light district Freezing. here, how about you? Tell me more of you travel experiences, if you have time. X
Response from Terry48 made on 12th Dec 2022 09:52:09 > @AJDallas
Good morning AJ, me an estate agent? not on your life, I was the
manager of a block of luxury flats in Westminster, London before
I retired but that’s the nearest I can get to an Estate Agent.
It looks as if there are going to be a few of us on this site chatting
to each other, and that makes it more interesting.
Yes I love to travel, have done since I was 17 years old and joined
the Army, my first posting was to Swaziland ( now called Eswatini)
in Southern Africa, I think that’s when my love of Africa started.
I had a triple heart bypass in 2001, and decided to make the most
of my recovery, so quit my job and booked up to go on an overland
trip on a truck with 25 strangers from Cairo to Cape Town, 18 weeks
and 13 countries later I was hooked. ( Google Absolute Africa if you
want to see what overlanding is all about ) so there you have a potted
history of my travels, so won’t bore you with too much information or
you will never chat to me again, thank you for your reply, and hope
that we can chat again, take care, and stay warm, Terry.
Response from NEIGHSandWAYS made on 19th Dec 2022 00:53:19 > @Beany
Hi Beany, I wanted to send you a direct/private message, but as a new person to this forum, I don't have that privilege yet. Anyway, I saw that you mentioned watching true crime documentaries, and you & I have this in common. I mostly watch half-hour to hour true crime shows & listen to podcasts, as opposed to watching documentaries, however, I would watch these longer, more in-depth shows if I had someone to comment & discuss with. If you want to, name 2 or 3 docs that you have seen lately and thought were interesting to chat about and let me know what they are, and I will watch them (if I can on the TV services that I have). Then we can discuss. So you know who you are talking with-- I am F 60, living in the middle of the US, with animals friends. hope to hear from you, regards, sherri
Response from sandie1416 made on 22nd Dec 2022 14:05:35 > @Terry48
Hi Terry, just seen your comments, my dad served in the airforce in Rhodesia, Africa in 1939 and they used to go swimming near the Victoria Falls. He took loads of pics, I loved looking at them, he was offered a job as engineer in a gold mine, but my mum wouldn’t go, she was expecting my elder sister, maybe I would have been born there.
Response from Terry48 made on 26th Dec 2022 19:28:06 > @sandie1416
Hi Sandie1416, thank you for your message, sorry for the delay in
replying but have only just caught up with yours, sometimes things
on this site can be a bit on the slow side.
Anyway it was interesting to hear that your father was in the Airforce
in Rhodesia ( now of course called Zimbabwe ) He must have been
brave to go swimming in the Zambezi river if that’s where he went, as
lots of Crocodiles and hippos in there..
Yes you could have been born there if your mother had decided to
go, it’s a beautiful country, with a great climate, I loved it there and
have been a few times, have you been there yourself? if not go and
see for yourself, if you are able, give me a shout and I will come with
you haha,
Hope you have had a wonderful Christmas, I am at my sisters in
Basingstoke, but will be returning home to Southampton on Wednesday.
If you would like to keep in touch, will welcome your message, take
care and stay warm, best wishes, Terry.
12th Dec 2022 07:34:48 (Last activity: 22nd Dec 2022 17:56:18)
Thanks for voting!
I've turned to this topic simply because it registers the most posts,
Where's the appropriate place to introduce myself please?
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 12th Dec 2022 10:29:37
Hi SillyOldMan,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

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Response from Ariadne made on 22nd Dec 2022 17:56:18
Hello SOM ,just pick a piece of chat you find interesting ,do a rely ,and there you go ,,Try it now !!!!"
23rd Aug 2021 22:11:01 (Last activity: 18th Dec 2022 12:35:28)
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Me too. Just looking for people in my age bracket that want to talk.
Response from Geoff J made on 24th Aug 2021 04:27:43
Hello Karen, I am new here, and still very much trying to find my way around, I too am looking for people who want to talk, I work day time hours, but am about in the evenings. I live in a rural area, I also work in the countryside, I have not been to town for a couple if years or more!
With covid about, and being clinicaly vulnerable it has proven prudent so far.
I am a tree climber, which is perhaps not so prudent at over 60 years old, I contract climb for wildlife and woodland trusts, and in willow harvesting occasionally, for cricket bat production.
Response from KarenFarmGirl made on 24th Aug 2021 14:02:34 > @Geoff J
I am 58 and a farmer since I married at 21 yrs. we have just stopped milking and I have found that 80 hours a week left me with little to no friendships. We have a lot of people we knew but no real close relationships. Unlike you we get to town once a week. My father worked for Hydro and was a tree climber. That is a dangerous job. Congrats for doing it for so long.
Response from NEIGHSandWAYS made on 18th Dec 2022 01:03:41 > @KarenFarmGirl
Hi KFG, I tried to message you privately, but I am new to this site and so the system won't let me do that until I have two posted comments (apparently). Anyway, I am 60 yo, in the midwest USA, in the woods with some farm animals. What animals do you have at your place ? I hope you will message me if you want to respond, to start a private thread with me. sherri
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 18th Dec 2022 12:35:28 > @NEIGHSandWAYS

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18th Nov 2022 17:59:39 (Last activity: 15th Dec 2022 13:58:58)
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Hello its many 63ars s8nce I have been here, I am 78 and live in N Wales.. I l9st my wife in January and am slowly now moving 9n and trying to enjoy life again.
Am quite happy to chat with people and have a good sense of humour....
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 18th Nov 2022 18:13:36
Hi scrollwizard,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

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Response from AJDallas made on 7th Dec 2022 01:26:37
Hi scrollwizard,
I’m 60, looking to just talk to people. As very housebound. Take care of my aunt aged 87. Live in South Wales. Hope we can chat
Response from Sunshinekurlz made on 9th Dec 2022 21:44:09
(((squeeze and hug))) scrollwizard
Response from LLowdell made on 11th Dec 2022 17:25:41 > @AJDallas
I'm fairly new and trying my best to put myself out there and be more sociable (even if it is only online). Happy to chat. Not online very often but try to check in at least once a day.
Response from AJDallas made on 11th Dec 2022 23:12:40
Hi sorry but who is Llowdell?
Got to be Welsh with double L
Happy to chat so long as no squeezes and hugs are implied like your neighbour scrilleizard. I live very near the Gower, hate our weather, love my family and Netflix What about you?
Response from LLowdell made on 12th Dec 2022 07:31:57 > @AJDallas
Welsh...that's a first. I wanted Coffee Lover but that name was long gone. Went with the name I live by everyday so at least I couldn't forget who the heck I am on here.
Hi AJ. Live in South Yorkshire and I'm fairly new to the site. Female, 58 and heck, I am a hugger but I know my boundaries so I'll just raise my hand and wave hello. Who the heck is Scrilleizard? I've obviously missed something.

Weather is a nightmare at the moment. My family is my everything and Netflix is probably my best friend. Ha
Response from Ariadne made on 15th Dec 2022 10:28:19 > @LLowdell
Well ,,,I'll be blowed ,,,,just doing a body search for interesting chatters ,and found you . who I have been chatting ??? to for a few days ... I seriously thought you were a bloke HaHa
It's your handle that did it .
Response from AJDallas made on 15th Dec 2022 13:51:35
Well Llowdell,
Meant scrollwizard oh and no disrespect to scrollwizard need to go to Specsavers! Going to family for Christmas, my daughter & son plus their partners. Really looking forward to Christmas. Netflix: Started watching Korean series with subtitles, sad but true. They are just so respectful lovely to watch. Love Motherland, I’m Julia Love law & Order Special Victims. What are you up to for Christmas? Also sorry you may be from Yorkshire but that is definitely a Welsh name. Not that I’m Welsh, live near the Gower now due to family, but born in Rugby
Response from AJDallas made on 15th Dec 2022 13:58:58
Apologies scrollwizard,
Sincerely I mis-read the messages. It was Sunshinekurlz sending you hugs and kisses, I was a bit affronted thought it was you sending them. Once again sincere apologies and from South Wales to North Wales best wishes.
9th Dec 2022 21:37:18 (Last activity: 13th Dec 2022 17:52:05)
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I'm looking for people to chat with too. I'm in the South West.. Hi there
How long have you been moved and what do you like about where you live
Response from LLowdell made on 13th Dec 2022 08:11:28
Hi Sunshinekurlz. I'm fairly new to this site and enjoy the virtual chat feature on this site. I find it easier to navigate and I can find my messages easier. I've just started a new chat for myself and another member. I could set up a chat for us or can add you to the chat I've just started with another lady on this site? Get back to me and let me know. I just find these forum threads get so long and I find it confusing to keep up with. I'm in South Yorkshire.
Response from Sunshinekurlz made on 13th Dec 2022 11:00:05 > @LLowdell
That's a jolly good idea. I'm happy with whatever you suggest.
Response from LLowdell made on 13th Dec 2022 17:52:05 > @Sunshinekurlz
I've started a chat for us called 'Like Minded Friends' and invited you to join.
7th Dec 2022 01:32:30
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I didn’t post this message!
7th Dec 2022 01:20:50
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Hi but older 60 but young 60 Where are you from? I’m based in Wales, UK.
11th Nov 2022 12:27:56 (Last activity: 11th Nov 2022 16:47:26)
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Hi I am new looking for Christian Chatting
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 11th Nov 2022 16:47:26
Hi GloryAnn,

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21st Oct 2022 18:32:33
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I would like say that GB News is a People’s party and there are a lot of people around the country.

5th Aug 2022 14:55:28 (Last activity: 21st Oct 2022 17:54:13)
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Hi i don’t know where you live but you could try a club called Meet-up best of luck.

Response from Wodsha made on 5th Aug 2022 18:04:10
Meet-up is a social club world elder I belong to it they organise whatever the members want I live in Chichester in West Sussex. We have had people from other countries visit us some of them are students who already belong to it.

Best wishes
Response from Wodsha made on 6th Aug 2022 09:16:08
Hi Alice,
I am 84 and I go to the gym three times a week and the rest of the week i go walking i do have a walker which I use i can walk without it but it is nice to sit down when you want to.

Response from Wodsha made on 7th Aug 2022 19:24:33
Hi Alice
Thank you for your message i am quite fit i don’t talk about my family as they are nonexistent i live on my own,not sure if you got my last message but If you haven’t my phone number is 01243792457 I am always in in the evenings.


Percy xx
Response from CaroB4 made on 21st Oct 2022 17:10:48 > @Wodsha
Interested to hear about it a website access sounds interesting!
Response from Wodsha made on 21st Oct 2022 17:54:13
Hi Carl,
I live in Chichester West Sussex meet-up is a club that anyone can join you should be able to find out about it at the Library they do organise meals out and maybe other things they do have meet-ups in a lot of other countries you should be able to find out where the nearest one is to you.

Best of luck

Love percy xx
18th Oct 2022 14:46:56
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Hi, I am always up for a chat
9th Oct 2022 07:10:01
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I know how you feel it's lonely isn't it. I moved to Devon eighteen months' ago and sometimes wish I hadn't. Would love to chat.
11th Sep 2022 01:25:26
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I carry a few more years - but I'm trying to lose them - If I were to say I was looking forward to Monday morning and Slimming World meet - you'd know exactly what I mean. The two years of lock-down really got to me. And now the latest news about Lizzy - well, that's got me too. I live alone and the only two who I get to nag is the dog and cat. (Or do they nag me?) I don't mind cooking although it's a bit of a chore for one. I live quite near the sea in Somerset UK - can be high winds and traffic jams. Trying to get out of town Friday afternoons or Sunday lunchtime is a nightmare. It's very daunting when your new to a place, but you will make friends in time. I admit that I do suffer with 'can't be bothered' it's all an effort, but as I said I blame that on the lock-down too. Love to hear how you're doing. All the best S
9th Sep 2022 23:42:02 (Last activity: 10th Sep 2022 08:47:52)
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what town are you located
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 10th Sep 2022 08:47:52
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9th Sep 2022 23:43:33
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where eryou located? Are young US>
9th Sep 2022 17:48:44
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Hello Rhyll and welcome

I just now joined. I'm 69. I can hardly wait to turn 70.

8th Sep 2022 12:02:49
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Hi I'm Tony I'm 50 too, all the way up near the Scottish border but I'm happy to talk about anything and everything
6th Sep 2022 21:40:37 (Last activity: 7th Sep 2022 07:23:41)
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Hello Rhyll, where are you from?
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 7th Sep 2022 07:23:41
Hi surgo,

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6th Sep 2022 22:32:17 (Last activity: 7th Sep 2022 07:23:38)
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I live in Shrewsbury
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 7th Sep 2022 07:23:38
Hi LivingHigh,

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