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Do you think Camilla should be crowned queen?

As the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary today, has Camilla won us all over with her style, substance and support?

Ten years ago 7% of the British public thought Camilla should be queen. In a similar poll 10 years later 50% of those polled said they now think Camilla should be queen when Prince Charles comes to the throne.

The past decade has seen perceptions of the former Camilla Parker Bowles transformed to a valued member of the royal “firm” whom half the nation would accept as queen.

It would appear that Prince Charles would like her to be crowned with him by his side and also that Prince William and Prince Harry have accepted her role.

What are your views? Has Camilla won over your heart?

Created By on 23/06/2015

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5th Feb 2023 18:48:31
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No nor should Charles be crowned King.
Monarchy is a waste of space and money
8th Jan 2023 22:58:44 (Last activity: 9th Jan 2023 08:40:59)
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Both Charles and Camilla were married when they were having an affair. Charles is a weak man and I don’t believe he is strong enough to be King. Camillla saw benefits to being married to the future king and hung in. She shouldn’t be queen at all. I think the british monarchy as we know it will no longer exist in the next 25years
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 9th Jan 2023 08:40:59
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29th Nov 2022 14:18:19 (Last activity: 1st Dec 2022 13:14:01)
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Charles needs to remember he is head of Church of England when he has flaunted his adultery and what about “whosoever is without sin should cast the first stone” when he has judged Andrew so severely
Response from jeanmark made on 1st Dec 2022 13:14:01
Beany, I’m not sure Charles did flaunt his adultery, neither did Diana flaunt hers, which most appear to have ignored. As to judging Andrew, he didn’t, it was the news media and the public who pronounce him guilty, so what happened to “innocent until proven guilty”. His mother, brothers and nephews had to respond to that outcry.
29th Nov 2022 01:21:20
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Charles isn't just King, he's also the head of state and head of the Church of England. If you listen to the recordings of how upset Diana was knowing Charles and Camilla were sleeping together in front of her face, you can see what selfish people they are. Also the friends of Camilla's husband used to laugh at him, saying he gave his wife for his country.
27th Nov 2022 09:29:08 (Last activity: 28th Nov 2022 14:07:16)
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I think H.M. Queen Elizabeth 11 knew Charles could not cope as King on his own and so it was her wish for Camilla to be consort NOT Queen. There was no one else Charles could marry
Response from jeanmark made on 28th Nov 2022 14:07:16
But she will never be Queen and she is already Queen Consort, which means she is simply the reigning king's wife. Her role is defined by marriage and is more symbolic as she offer the monarch support, unlike the Queen who was officially the UK's ruler, the role Charles has now taken by right.
27th Nov 2022 13:20:54
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Edward III ascended to throne per royal protocol. He chose to abdicate. Abdication is perfectly permissible under royal protocol. It is just rarely done.
13th Nov 2022 22:44:54 (Last activity: 27th Nov 2022 09:38:18)
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This is monarchy—not an election or a popularity contest. Charles is King. Camilla is his wife and, therefore, Queen Consort. That’s how monarchy works.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 14th Nov 2022 08:39:33
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Response from MarilynC7 made on 27th Nov 2022 09:38:18
It's a joke Is that how it works What about Edward 111
12th Oct 2022 12:45:54 (Last activity: 27th Nov 2022 09:33:52)
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I am absolutely against Camilla becoming Consort. I know it was the Queens wishes but I’m afraid I think she is still misreading the public with regards to Camilla . Yes it’s been over 20 years since Diana’s death but I think most people hate the fact that Camilla has payed the long game and wheedled her way in. I think the only person being true to his late mother is Prince Harry, I genuinely believe he is struggling with the whole Camilla situation.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 12th Oct 2022 13:44:33
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Response from MarilynC7 made on 27th Nov 2022 09:33:52
I agree with you. Camilla is mutton dressed as lamb and totally not suited to be in the Royal family. I feel sad for Harry and think he should be included in the Royal family but his wife must stay in the background.
27th Nov 2022 09:24:47
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I will NEVER accept Camilla and I am not fond of Charles. They make us look a laughing stock to the world.
27th Nov 2022 09:21:29
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This is an insult to out late Queen.
27th Nov 2022 09:14:58
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I totally agree with debbie2451. Camilla should NOT be called Queen, ever. Princess Margaret was not allowed to marry a divorced man so why should Charles and Camilla be allowed to marry , let alone be King and Queen which Camilla is not and never will be she is just consort with NO power
25th Nov 2022 19:08:07
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I think there should be a petition read in parliament stating that the British monarch title should be passed to William and Kate.
Camilla is steering Charles as she always has. She has no right to do so.
He is a love struck puppy, Incapable of running the Monarchy.
5th Nov 2022 12:53:22
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4th Nov 2022 13:12:37 (Last activity: 4th Nov 2022 15:04:29)
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Camilla is a home wrecker who felt no compunction to sleep with a married man. Nothing about her speaks of class and grace. She does not deserve anything but contempt.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 4th Nov 2022 15:04:29
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20th Oct 2022 19:38:58
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In general they all need to go.
18th Oct 2022 13:44:07
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17th Oct 2022 07:15:08 (Last activity: 17th Oct 2022 07:39:20)
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Absolutely NOT I will never forgive them for what they did to Diana. He should have had the guts to have abdicated then he could have had his beloved camilla. Don’t want either of them. Bring on William and Kate.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 17th Oct 2022 07:39:20
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14th Oct 2022 14:46:42
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I will NEVER accept that woman as Queen. If it were not for the despicable, underhanded way they treated our BELOVED DIANA she would still be alive today and she should have been our Queen.

Charles is still a petulant thoroughly spoilt individual who should not be crowned our King.
Could anyone really think that a man who told Camilla he wanted to return as her could
really be an intelligent replacement for our late Queen?

14th Oct 2022 12:23:14
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I was not particularly in favour of Princess Diana's behaviour or personality when she was alive, but having seen and read much more detail about her life I realise how badly she was treated by the Royal family. She was so young and inexperienced, and Charles treated her like an inconvenience, not the loving and beautiful girl that she was. She was incredibly insecure, and had a miserable childhood, both of which needed careful handling.

Camilla should have walked away from the whole situation, told Charles that she was completely out of the picture, and let them try and make a go of their marriage. Things would have been so different if she had. Charles is a weak man who, I am sure, would have succumbed to Diana's wiles if Camilla was out of the way, and I think they could have been very happy.

Camilla will never have my acceptance to be crowned Queen; Queen Consort is too good for her.
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