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Are you a Grandparent?

How old were you when you first became a grandparent and did you feel ready for the role?

Created By on 04/03/2014

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31st Jan 2016 04:12:45
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I have 5 grandchildren,3 girls and 2 boys, with one on the way. I was in late forties when my first was born, and she was on the way whether I was ready or not.
14th Aug 2015 11:27:14 (Last activity: 6th Dec 2015 10:11:11)
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I have five beautiful grandsons, one of them is what some people might call a step grandson but to me he is MY grandson like all the others, he calls me grandma and I absolutely adore him. I was 42 when my first grandchild arrived and it didn't worry me at all, after all I was only 18 when I had his father.
Response from Shazandy made on 6th Dec 2015 10:11:11
I couldn't agree more!
25th Sep 2015 11:50:51 (Last activity: 6th Dec 2015 10:09:59)
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I was 40 when I became a grandparent. I now have 6 grandsons. My eldest grandson is 25 and my youngest has only just turned 1. Four of my grandsons live in Cardiff, as my eldest and youngest daughters now live there. I live in Northumberland, so thank goodness for the Internet! My second oldest daughter Vanessa also became a grandparent at 40! I am now a great grandparent with a beautiful great granddaughter.
Response from Shazandy made on 6th Dec 2015 10:09:59
How lovely.
18th May 2015 16:09:50 (Last activity: 6th Dec 2015 10:08:14)
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I don't know is the short answer!!

My children don't have any children but one of my partners children does and theres another one on the way...does that make me a grandparent? What about when we get married on 4/7?

Response from Shazandy made on 6th Dec 2015 10:08:14
You are a grandparent I:m married yo my 2nd husband and my sons from my previous marriage have children and they adore grandad or badad as he's also known.
22nd Nov 2015 19:14:38
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I was 53yrs old when my first Granddaughter was born. My phone rang & a loud cheery voice
called, "Hello Grandma" That was it for my husband and me... Tho living in Northamptonshire
we set off on the big bike to go up to Kendal, where we were to see Granddaughter. I was able to
pick her out (wearing pink check little nightie... granddaughter not me.. : ) Her Daddy had made some wonderful hot casserole ready for us. This was in the November. What a wonderful time
we had.
Now, at 86+ years old I have ten grandchildren growing up and the youngest is just turned
eighteen yrs.
Moreover I am a great Grandparent, (my dear husband died almost six years ago)

all the Grandchildren very well motivated.

My Grt.Grandchildren are Jamie, going on for 5+years, next his younger brother Stevie,
then a lovely little Girl called Aria Margaret, very tiny but beautiful.
Mummy, lovely in every way.
12th Nov 2015 21:36:02
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I was 56 when my first grand daughter arrived and was so delighted .My husband had only passed away the year before and have to say I was in a sorry place .I relocated to be nearer my daughter and husband and began childminding for them .Over the last 5 years I now have 5 grandchildren in total and look after them 4 days a week .This has been great for me but have to say come Friday I am somewhat weary but happy to be occupied with their chat and fun and keeps me fit ,well at least keeps me moving .Have to say though all the gadgets ,sterilizers and feeding routines really amaze me and have learned to just nod and do as I am told thanks to my first and eldest daughter who pointed out" Things are so different now mum you need to accept this" .My goodness I really do not know how my three daughters survived at all. Tongue in cheek of course .
6th Oct 2015 20:58:55
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I was 58 when my first grandson was born and 59 when the second one came. They are delightful, but then I am biased. Love them to bits, and isn't it the most special relationship.
3rd Sep 2015 19:56:53
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I was 58 when my first Granddaughter was born, 63 when my second granddaughter was born and will be 66 when my third granddaughter is born in November, I was ready to be a grandmother and love talking to them and listening to what they have to say, there is nothing better.
21st Mar 2015 23:57:24
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How wonderful to be seeing your granddaughter after a year! I bet you have a great time!
19th Mar 2015 16:22:30
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I love talking to my grandkids although sometimes I mishear which makes them laugh. Cannot always tell whether the 2 year old is saying Nanna or Bananna!
19th Mar 2015 11:34:19
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well, 14, 4 or even one. It's the quality that counts and that great feeling that goes with being a grand parent
😀 😀 😀
17th Mar 2015 18:51:39
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I have just had my 3rd grandchild arrive at the age of 61 and I am thrilled! I was 54 when her big brother turned up and he continues to delight as does no 2 at nearly 2 years old. I think that it is probably my quota. I would happily have more hands-on contact and dread the time when I see less of them. Meanwhile I try to be loving and interesting and as unconventional as is acceptable. Kids are our hope for the future. I love the Richie Havens version of the song Think About the Children.
16th Mar 2015 23:41:24
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I would love to have 14 grandchildren...but I'll settle for the two super amazing ones I have.... and I, too, am being very objective 🙂 .
My fist grandchild came when I was 48 and the second at 52.
15th Mar 2015 21:24:01
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Hi there,

Yes I am a grandparent. First time at 49 and now at 70 I have 14 grandchildren. They are all amazing and wonderful, and I am very objective about it :-D:-D:-D
Silversurfers Editor Original Poster
21st Mar 2014 17:51:21
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20th Mar 2014 05:34:51
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I was more than ready for the role. Delfhe was born in June 2007, I literally couldnt wait to meet her. We are so close now. She has a brother Drift, born in 2009, and my other daughter had a little called Lily, in 2010. I LOVE being a grandparent, that first cuddle and kiss, and the first time they call you grandma, and put their little hand into yours, oh my heart was shaking lol 😀
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