I have a very old Kindle and am thinking of updating. Can anyone recommend which Kindle is best?
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I bought this last year secondhand and have used it as a PDF reader, but I've not used it for at least a month and now it's not even recognising I've plugged it in to charge. It charges from 240v mains thru a transformer reducing it to 15v, or using the same lead, thru a USB port from my desktop so it might be the lead is faulty. Anyone care to comment, please. Thanks for reading and caring.
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I have an android tablet and would like to be able to watch it on our bedroom TV. However the TV in there is a bit old and doesn't have an HDMI socket. I have looked at the back to see just what sockets it does have and there is a DVI-D one. I have found a connector /adapter online which is called Micro HDMI to Dvi-d adapter. Does anyone know if that is what I need i.e play the content from the tablet onto the TV screen. Hope this is enough info - I am just wanting to avoid buying a cable which is of no use, and I am wary of going into the electrical shops not knowing what I want or if it will fit. Any help would be most welcome.
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It seems that today the tablet, has or is over taking the laptop, and I can easily understand how simple it is to use these things, my family and I have tablets, and find that its easier to sit in an arm chair and simply scroll or search the internet, virtually do anything , looking back in time its amazing just how far all this technology has taken us, and as for the future , well its mind boggling to say the least. its a long way from the simple red telephone boxes that used to be found on street corners. almost everyone has a phone in the pocket or handbag and smart phones can virtually compete with the laptop, well almost ,
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Having just returned from a holiday abroad, it struck me how many parents provide technology in the form of iPads and Tablets, to entertain their toddlers. Whilst there is a time and a place for this, such as on a flight or journey, I was surprised to see toddlers sitting at the breakfast table watching a screen whilst munching on their Rice Crispies! I also witnessed twin 3 year old boys, leaving the dinner table wearing padded earphones, walking through the restaurant still engaged with their iPads, not looking where they were going, totally oblivious to other people and their surroundings. The world has changed and technology now plays a huge part in all of our day to day lives. There is a balance for us all between actual social interaction and technology engagement. Do you have a concern that the younger generation of today, particularly toddlers, are in danger of missing out on actual development of relationships and world awareness due to the distractions of technology? Daydreaming is your brain at its most productive … are young children given enough time to daydream or are they becoming overloaded with technology? If you are a grandparent, do you have to hold back your views or are you able to express what you think to your offspring? Is technology in danger of damaging our toddlers social development or enhancing their learning? What do you think? https://www.silversurfers.com/speakers-corner/balancing-toddlers-social-interaction-technology-engagement/
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Hello All, I am not sure how much response I will get to this thread, but I have a bit of a strange question to ask, and having read through some of the previous threads, you all seem like a friendly and approachable gang! I am currently a student at Imperial College, London (so please forgive me, I am not yet a silver surfer) studying for a masters in Science Communication. As a part of my course, I have been tasked with writing a feature length article on any given subject, and I have decided to look at the generational use of iPads and tablets. A recent study has shown that in older generations, there is a much greater use of tablets rather than either desktop or laptop computers, and I was wondering, to add some colour and a personal touch to my article, if anybody might be willing to indulge me in a very brief interview, giving their own experiences and reasons for choosing an iPad or other tablet over a computer. During the interview, I would make a note of your name, and preferably age to put into the article, however this information would not be published anywhere other than my assignment, and there would be no other personal information collected at all. I would be happy to ask a few questions either over this forum, or if anybody would wish to contact me directly for an interview, my email address is sarah.gaunt14@imperial.ac.uk. Thank you all in advance, All the best, Sarah.
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Are you becoming boring to other members of the household, with your attention given to your phone, tablet or other. Is technology controlling us like “the tail wagging the dog”? I have invested in an i-pad air, and my dear ol’ hubby says I’m using it too much…..especially when the footie is on; that’s for sure! Anyone suffering i-paditus?
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Which do you prefer using? A tablet or a laptop? Or do you use them for different functions, or at different times of the day?
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The latest ios 7.2 update has caused problems with iPad keyboards. Not the keyboard on your iPad screen, but all external Bluetooth keyboards. Apple now know about this problem as there have been so many complaints about it. Bluetooth keeps switching itself “OFF” on the iPad for seemingly no obvious reason. and its a nightmare trying to get the external keyboard to sync with BlueTooth. I did find a way around the situation though. I switch on my external bluetooth keyboard first, and then I switch on my iPad and I do a full reboot on my Ipad. I then sign into my iPad, choose the software I wish to use, email, Pages, QuickOffice or my diary and 9 out of 10 times my external keyboard has synced with my iPad bluetooth and I can start writing in any program immediately. I dont know if this will work successfully on all other external keyboards though. You could always try it if you have this problem and it might just possibly work for you. Best of luck.
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Hi all. I have an HD desktop, a 17″ Laptop and an original iPad. The iPad is handy when I am at the hospital sitting in the waiting room for hours on end. Or, waiting for my wife on her shopping expeditions with her sisters, believe me, this takes some time as you might imagine. I can do anything on my iPad. Play movies, do my internet shopping, read my Kindle books through the Kindle App. The best App is the Sat Nav when I am driving through unknown towns and countries. It’s called NavFree, UK & Roi. All I need to do is select “Other” in your Wi-Fi set up and my iPad connects to all free and open networks and it guides me to where I want to go., simple…… I do most of my writing on my iPad, internet shopping, e-mail etc: If you are a writer of poems, stories etc: there are numerous Apps you can download, some are free and most are excellent. Quick Office pro is what I use most of the time but the Pro is £13, the Quick office Lite is free though and a good starter pack to see if you like it. Or, there is Pages which I use to store my stories and poems on, freeing up Quick office. At the minute I don’t want to upgrade my 64 GB iPad. I take pictures with my camera and use Skype on my PC or Laptop, I know the iPad 2 and 3 are faster, but at the moment mine is fine for what I need it for. If I can assist in any way, just drop me a line and I am sure I can assist, like clearing “Cash” from Safari. Clearing Cash from Quick Office or rebooting the iPad to clear cash or Eliminating the open Apps that stay open all the time slowing down the Ipad speed. Merry Christmas
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