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Empathy by Plantworks

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Active on Silversurfers for 8 months

Kent-based bio fertiliser producer PlantWorks Ltd. prides itself on a research-led approach. Over the past 10 years we have changed gardening culture by introducing trend setting, bio active products as a true alternative to traditional chemical treatments.

As a specialist in mycorrhizal fungi, the company is behind the Empathy brand with rootgrow™ at the core of the range, a root boosting fungi which can increase active root area and lives symbiotically throughout the life of the plant. Empathy products are about making your plant the healthiest it can be. It’s not about ‘magic’ and ‘miracles’ it’s about better establishment, natural vigour, increased drought tolerance; essentially making it a stronger healthier plant

A part of winning over consumers has been support from the Royal Horticultural Society. PlantWorks has been involved with the RHS since 2002 in one form or another and the RHS branding is now carried on most of the products.

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