Wouldn’t It Be Wonderful

For Loneliness Awareness Week – and every other day of the year. ❤️💜

Wouldn’t It Be Wonderful

Do you ever feel lonely
As opposed to just alone
Do you ache for company
Or a natter on the phone

Has your life lost sparkle
With the passing of the years
Do you feel invisible
With no one to share your fears

Or are you in the other camp
With each day filled to the brim
A busy job, a hectic home
No time to notice her or him

No time to notice
The sadness in the eye
Of the person on the pavement
Who hopes you don’t just rush on by

No time to stop and wave
To the person in their chair
Watching through their window
But of whom you’re not aware

Wouldn’t it be wonderful
If these two worlds could collide
Imagine how much happiness
A simple gesture could provide

A little chat, a friendly ear
A few shared minutes from your day
Could help to heal a lonely heart
And make the clouds less grey

© Maxine Bailey
June 2024



About the author

Maxine Bailey
2494 Up Votes
I absolutely love writing poems. Enjoying my garden and my dogs. I used to be an Age UK Befriender, which I would thoroughly recommend to anybody. So rewarding

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