We Will Meet Again (My faithful Lurcher)

We Will Meet Again (My faithful Lurcher)

The angels visited today
And called my lovely boy away
His soul was lifted high above
And floated on a cloud of love

We found each other long ago
He ran to me with eyes aglow
I knew that it was meant to be
And so back home he came with me

Down the garden he would run
Playing ball and having fun
Maybe chase a bird or bee
Then fall asleep beneath my tree

He’d speak to me with eyes so dear
Then snuggle close with silky ear
His endless love was there to see
A heart of gold he gave to me

Now as my tears do softly flow
I know I had to let him go
My heart forever will remain
With him – until we meet again

Farewell ……………

Patricia Cooper

About the author

13 Up Votes
I am retired and live in Worcestershire with my Lurcher and we have lovely daily walks through the fields. I am an amateur artist and specialise in painting animals and wildlife. I also play the piano. When the weather allows I enjoy gardening.
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