To the ‘Unknown Soldier’
To the ‘Unknown Soldier’
Unknown to us, but known to God, we do not know your face,
But now you lie in Westminster, in a sainted, hallowed place,
You are just inside the heavy doors, ‘neath a stone laid in the floor,
Britain’s, ‘Unknown Soldier’. To be praised for evermore.
Kings and Queens and Poets, also lie within that place,
But you our friend are blessed indeed, far beyond our human grace,
You represent our purity, our innocence of strife,
But you mirror our intention, to protect our way of life.
You have no equal in there, you are of a higher plain,
And all should bow before you now, as in that place you reign,
For death was your great sacrifice, that others in their way,
Yes! Kings and Queens and Poets, could carry on their way.
Just one of Britain’s fallen, no name upon your stone,
Deserving of our worship, beneath your marbled throne,
A King among the millions, who died in that great war,
Just inside the heavy doors, ‘neath a stone laid in the floor
Rest in perfect peace, may God grant you his eternal blessing.
“Stand at ease!” (Stand easy now)
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