Thoughts for Remembrance Day – There is no glory in dying

There is no glory in dying

There is no glory in dying; there can be no glory in death
Bugles don’t sound in the air all around as our hero draws on their last breath

There is no glory in dying, there can be no succour found
No angels are seen where the battle has been as our hero lies there on the ground

There is no glory in dying, no respite for families who wait
For lost sons and daughters come back o’er waters causing welcoming creaks of the gate

There is no glory in dying, no reason for leaving so soon
Lost sisters and brothers, dads, sons and others leaving lives like a night with no moon

There is no glory in dying; the young are not ready to go
Its old men who should die – As old men say goodbye – that should be God’s status quo

There is plenty of glory in living, and sharing your life if you can
Old age should arrive and wars not contrive to shorten the short lives of man

There is no glory in dying, for glory we don’t need to earn
We march into wars for many a cause
We know – understand – but don’t learn

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