The Suds Crept Slowly Towards Me

As the weather here is pretty grotty I thought I’d share a poem to make you chuckle. Hope you enjoy.

The Suds Crept Slowly Towards Me

My washing machines gone potty it’s really on the fritz,
there’s water pouring everywhere, I’m going out my wits.
It’s gone off like Vesuvius, exploding like a bomb,
my husband’s y-fronts hurtled by and hit our poor old tom!

I’m paddling in two inches now, yet water’s gushing out,
as washing keeps on floating past, I give a feeble shout.
Soap suds are creeping up, overwhelming the kitchen floor,
even the cat has fled the scene as he shot off out the door.

I fear my own obituary would tell a gruesome tale,
consumed by soaking socks and suds, like Jonah and the whale.
Who would think that laundry day could be so rife with risk,
or Fairy suds would swallow me whole into the dark abyss.

But never fear, all ends well, my husband saves the day,
he switches off the dreaded beast and saves me from dismay.
Our mechanical brute is quiet at last, no longer spewing suds,
even our cat has now returned, just happy there’s no floods.

ⓒ Teresa Harrison-Best
April 2024

About the author

Teresa H-B
3284 Up Votes
Teresa lives in Worthing with her husband Stuart and their three rescue cats. She has recently retired from a long career in the Health and Social care sector, and has taken up Mosaics, Pilates and walking cricket. Her love of writing has always been prevalent throughout her life, and she wrote Catawall, fluent in feline following major surgery as a form of therapy. Her love of rhyme and rhythm feature in Catawall and her subsequent children’s books featuring Mackerel a piratical cat who captures the heart of everyone, even the ships mice and rats! ‘Mackerel and The Jolly Daisy’, ‘Mackerel and the Treasure Map’ and ‘Mackerel Saves the Day’. Her latest project Doggee Longlegs enters young fiction aimed at older children. Doggee is about young dog who starts life in a rescue shelter, overlooked on the homing day. Teresa is a great advocate of all animals and feels passionately about animal welfare, both at home and abroad.

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