The Mouse Family that Live by the Brambles

The Mouse Family that Live by the Brambles

During the lockdown of 2020
I found a little mouse family of which there were plenty
They lived in our garden by the log pile
Surrounded by brambles near the sundial

So out came my camera I started to click
But I didn’t realise that they were so quick
Their trust I would have to gain
My plan was simple same time same place
After work every day I would embrace

As the weeks passed quickly I began to realise
Me and the mouse family we had become allies
I would take them food sit and watch with camera in hand
To take their photos yes this was planned

Work it did and we became good friends
Me and this family and my zoom lens
The joy they gave was hard to explain
a tingle in my spine come rain or shine

My grandchildren said they do make us smile
This little mouse family in the old log pile
So the children suggested why not share
The story of this mouse family let’s get it out there

Social media is the place to post your story
This little mouse family deserve some glory

About the author

61 Up Votes
Husband, father and grandfather to three beautiful grandchildren, I work for the local authority, I look after a mouse family that live in our wildlife garden and take photographs of them for a social media page i run on facebook that now as over 41k followers and this year i was lucky to have a book published
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