The Cross-eyed Ferret

The Cross-eyed Ferret

Here’s to the cross-eyed ferret
A master of disguise
He’d dress as a man of merit
And confuse you with his eyes

Folk do say he first came their way
When he built a spirit still
And the spirit he created
Bent them to his will

The first poteen, not smooth but rough
In seventeen eighty three
Was potent and quite strong enough
To fell a mighty tree

But later when they brewed it
In seventeen ninety two
The Revenue men came calling
And demanded a shilling or two

So it’s now regulated
And sold in posh wine bars
But when it was created
It was drunk from pottery jars

So here’s to the cross-eyed ferret
That master of disguise
And the drink that he created
Which makes us warm and wise

About the author

20 Up Votes
I'm retired but still teach English as a foreign language part-time on line and create poetry when it comes to mind

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