The Bone

The Bone

One morning after breakfast we let our dog outside.
He shot off like a rocket, steadfastness with every stride.
He vanished like a phantom, completely out of view.
No sign of any movement, perhaps we should pursue.

And then…

Now we were getting worried for there really was no trace.
No sign of any action, not in his usual place.
We were just about to call for help when he suddenly emerged.
He was dragging something massive, so what had he disturbed?

And then….

Our response was rather rapid as we flew right out the door.
What had our dog recovered, what was that in his jaw?
Well we stood there quite dumbfounded, just rooted to the spot.
It was really quite amazing this thing our dog had got.

What was it?…..

Now what he found defied all odds, the most astounding prize.
Museums from all corners were awesomely surprised.
The film crew came quite swiftly reporters camped outside.
They wanted their exclusives to publish far and wide.

But what was it ?…..

Our dog was less than happy, reluctant to relent.
He growled and snarled with passion and showed his discontent.
Naturally we bribed him with all his favourite snacks.
He gave a rather jaundiced look, which stopped us in our tracks.


Eventually he went inside, fed up with the noise.
He settled down and went to sleep among his favourite toys.
The experts took their golden chance to study and inspect.
Cheque books flapping in the breeze, a lucrative prospect.

Oh Boy!!!!

It’s later now and all is quiet the hoards have now dispersed.
Our dog is munching on a chew now feeling reimbursed.
We’ve booked a lovely trip away to visit Yellowstone.
All because our dog appeared with a lovely mammoth bone!

Well Done Fido !

Teresa Harrison-Best

About the author

Teresa H-B
3301 Up Votes
Teresa lives in Worthing with her husband Stuart and their three rescue cats. She has recently retired from a long career in the Health and Social care sector, and has taken up Mosaics, Pilates and walking cricket. Her love of writing has always been prevalent throughout her life, and she wrote Catawall, fluent in feline following major surgery as a form of therapy. Her love of rhyme and rhythm feature in Catawall and her subsequent children’s books featuring Mackerel a piratical cat who captures the heart of everyone, even the ships mice and rats! ‘Mackerel and The Jolly Daisy’, ‘Mackerel and the Treasure Map’ and ‘Mackerel Saves the Day’. Her latest project Doggee Longlegs enters young fiction aimed at older children. Doggee is about young dog who starts life in a rescue shelter, overlooked on the homing day. Teresa is a great advocate of all animals and feels passionately about animal welfare, both at home and abroad.

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