The Autumn dawn

The Autumn Dawn

You sit at rest remembering..what life has meant to you,
And I wonder what your stories are..from the years that you’ve been through.
How much do you many tales have you to tell,
Memories come flooding back..when something rings a bell.

Sweet memories of childhood..hopes and dreams as you grew up,
Perhaps pets that meant the world to you..a kitten or a pup.
Close friends or loving family..places you’ve called home,
Countries that you’ve visited..when you had the urge to roam.

First loves, last loves.. maybe some loves in between,
Good times, hard many places that you’ve been.
Choices that you’ve had to make..were they right or wrong,
Sometimes waiting for the right time..with a wait that seemed so long.

Upon reflection..are there past things that we would change,
Or possibly, not much at all..perhaps..a tiny re-arrange.
The problem with the Autumn years..after all you’ve done and seen,
Is that your body now has aches and pains..but your mind is still eighteen.

It can be quite frustrating..letting go of things you used to do,
Having to ask the younger do the physical stuff for you.
Get things down from the attic..cut the hedge..or mow the lawn,
Things you always did yourself..before your Autumn dawn.

© Martin Silvester 7/9/2017.

About the author

Martin Silvester
4944 Up Votes
Not a lot to tell...just an ordinary man...always loved writing but never had the time until now...hope I've got a few years left to write about the million things I would like to get down on paper be it in poetry form or just plain old story telling. Just in case anyone would like me to come along to their group and read a few of my poems live..I would be happy to do so within the confines of Kent or Sussex...I would just need to cover my time and petrol a cup of tea and a biscuit. Just email To answer some of your questions= ex-army..ex -jackeroo...ex-builder..ex-quite a few other things..still rocking...married...2 + 3 children...7 custard creams. I have now published my first collection of poems which are now available on Amazon under the title of..LAST APPLE ON THE TREE. The book consists of twenty seven poems covering a wide range of topics and emotions. My second book has just been published and is called A BREEZE IN THE WILLOWS, also available on Amazon. I hope that everyone will get as much enjoyment reading them, as I did writing them.

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