Tarrah teeth

Tarrah teeth

I said tarrah to my teeth today,
I went to the dentist, she took them away,
‘Just three at the bottom’. That’s what she said,
But these that were gone, left a ole in me ead.

They were loose I admit and they rattled about,
To tell you the truth, I was glad they were out,
Cause they clicked when I chewed and they hid from me snap,
Causin all sorts of trouble for this little chap.

This gap I can cope with of that there’s no doubt,
Except just the once when me sausage popped out,
Through the ole in me head where me teeth used to be,
And er indoors said, ‘Don’t bob ya tongue out at me’.

I can’t whistle either, nowhere for me tongue,
It just flops about like it just don’t belong,
And me ed’s gone lopsided it leans to the side,
Upsetting for me but good fun to me bride.

Me toothbrush gets lost cause the signpost ain’t there,
Starts off in me gob and ends up in me hair,
Thats me dithery hand that don’t help I suppose,
Not as bad as the time when it shot up me nose.

Never mind it’s a time that we all have to face,
Say tarrah to your teeth and the smile you replace,
With a new plastic set with some chompin in them,
And a new smile for me all over again.

‘Tarrah teeth’.


About the author

Mick Westwood
21245 Up Votes
I am a 71 year old retired coal miner, who spent 30 years working underground. Having time on my hands, and in order to keep my brain exercised, I decided to try to write poetry and put down on paper some of my life experience, and my hopes, dreams and other thoughts. I also do a little gardening, but I am hopeless at housework. Much to my wife's displeasure.

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