Swan Lake
Swan Lake
The winter sun is low on the horizon
Clouds white in the blue cerulean sky
The Lake is a mesmerising canvas
Nature’s artistic watercolour to espy
Cold fresh air is nipping and biting
Causing sparkling water ripples to rise
Catching the light as surface circles widen
On the Lake, like Nature’s hypnotic eyes
A noble and majestic pair of mute swans
Gracefully glide into view
A cob and a pen of stately elegance
Begin their courtship ritual anew
Puffing his chest, feathers fluffed
His angel-like wings displayed
Sun shines through each ruffled plume
Magnificent King of all he surveys
A synchronised swan-swim commences
Graceful dance with wings outstretched
Heads bob together, gently touching
An impressive sight, a courtship pledge
Droplets spreading far and wide
As a storm of a million waterdrops
Surrounds their noisy mating manoeuvres
Scaring off nearby birds in flocks
It stops. Ripples in the water slowly fan out
As the Lake again becomes serene
And with a gentle ruffle of white feathers
The swans glide away from the scene
The tranquility of Swan Lake restores
Quiet and peaceful on Nature’s shores
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