I wrote this poem some time ago and have recently come to understand that is now an actual ‘Thing’!
She’d felt a certain numbness throughtout her humdrum life.
Always someone’s something – Mother, daughter, wife.
She’d become as non-descript as the paper on the wall.
Jumping up and down to every beck and call.
She felt no more than a fixture or a fitting around the house.
Someone there to cook and clean; she’d turned into a mouse.
Then one day, the mouse? It roared. She’d had enough of ‘Slow’
She threw a suitcase at her bloke. ‘Now pack your things and GO!!’
For the sake of her Pride, for the sake of her ‘Self”
She didn’t want to be left on the shelf, SO………
‘Where to from here?’ She eyed her dog but thought it much too strange
To marry it and run the risk of kennel cough or mange.
One morning in the bathroom she saw her mirrored reflection
And what was staring back at her but the true object of her affection.
She fell in love so deeply it moved her quite to tears.
She hadn’t been this happy in many, many years.
On her wedding night, tucked up warm in bed
She did what a bride would like to do – picked up books and read……
……War and Peace, the Bible, the works of Shakespeare too.
‘This is Heaven on Earth’ she thought ‘And no snoring to listen to’.
The days slipped by quite happily for with Sologomy she was Queen.
But she soon got bored, divorced herelf and married her washing machine.
That’s the end of this daft tale. Only some of it is true.
But what is legal and what is not? Dear Reader, I’ll leave that up to you.
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