Over The Hill
We have to see the funny side don’t we. 😁❤️ And how lucky are we who have the privilege of growing old. 💕
Over The Hill
It seems like only yesterday
When I was in my youth
But my body tells me otherwise
I’ve got old and that’s the truth
I used to love the nightlife
When I was in my prime
But now I’m lucky if I’m not asleep
In bed by half past nine!
I’ve gone from hitting nightclubs
In my fancy night attire
To a pair of snug pyjamas
And a mug of cocoa by the fire
I try to do the crosswords
To keep my mind tip-top
Then I’ll venture into another room
But for what, as I’ve forgot
I get my daily workouts now
By just doing household chores
If I manage to change the duvet set
I expect so much applause
My teeth, well they’ve seen better days
And my skin’s a little thin
But at least I’ve reached my twilight years
Now, to me that’s such a win
I need my trusty hearing aid
So, I can hear your voice
Finally, a perk for me
As this, it is my choice
My mind may think I’m twenty-five
But my body’s had its day
But I soldier on regardless
As ‘that’s life’ as they all say
© Maxine Bailey
January 2025
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