One More Step
One More Step
Life is a journey, we travel alone,
On the road which is twisted and long.
Full of joys, sorrows pain and despair,
But just one more step will help you move on.
You just take that one small step,
As you travel that winding road.
On a journey that never concludes,
For it will help to ease your load.
Your journey, full of mystery,
Some parts are cruel and hard.
But as you take that one small step,
It will stop you from feeling scared.
As you walk alone on the path,
You’ll often see storm clouds ahead.
So just take that one small step,
Then blue skies you’ll see instead.
Sometimes you may stumble and fall,
For you cannot go on any longer.
Yet you just take that one small step,
Then you’ll find yourself getting stronger.
Remember, as you walk through rain,
When you see that rainbow appear.
Just walk one step into the light,
It will help alleviate your fears.
Each new day, each new challenge,
That greets us at the bend.
Asking, seeking, as you stumble and fall,
Just take one more step to the end.
Doreen E Hampshire
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