Life after 60
Having just had a birthday and I won’t see 60 again I just was inspired and composed this little rhyme for ladies of a certain age!
Prescription drugs if needed are free
A cough, laugh or sneeze may result in a pee
The targeted adverts are bizarre and depressing
Viagra, big pants and funeral planning
You’re old enough now for an “age concession”
And if not already looking forward to a pension
You see a fit young man and fancy a bit of the other
Then you realise you could be his mother!
There are fewer Birthday and Christmas cards to be read
Because people you knew are either demented or dead.
Your brain is failing and your memory is appalling
You have to call people dear or perhaps my darling.
At this advanced age you’ve lived and you’ve learned
You’ve loved, maybe left and bridges have burned
You know who you are and who you are not
And if some folk don’t like you, you don’t care a jot
You’ve made it this far and as long as you’re fit
It’s time to wear purple and not give a shit!
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