Just Another Wish
Just Another Wish
What you want and what you get…are sometimes a different thing,
We seek perfection in our life…plus the peace that it may bring.
If only this, if only that…we seem to think this every day,
And so the search continues…as all life’s games we play.
But is perfection perfect?…I’m not so sure this is the case,
If all our trials and tribulations…disappeared without a trace.
Replaced with pure perfection…no need to hope and dream and fight,
No need to wish that things were different…when we go to sleep each night.
Our hopes and dreams and wishes…are engraved upon our soul,
A reason to continue…as we watch each year unroll.
Perfection is elusive…it escapes, no matter how we strive,
Would it be a perfect destination?…if perchance we should arrive.
Someday…perhaps, and maybe…are words written on my heart,
They are there for me to lean on…if my day…just falls apart.
My everyday existence…propped up by hopes and dreams,
Is a perfect way of life for me…at least…that’s how it seems.
Would perfection prove to be a bore…would every day be…very tame,
With all the special things…just normal…and the future…just the same.
If my hopes and dreams just disappeared…I’d be like a stranded fish,
So for me, the search for perfect will remain as…just another wish.
© Martin Silvester 14/11/2017.
Martin’s second book of poems has just been published, available on Amazon using the link below
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