Jacob, James and the BSG (2018)
We took Jacob (aged 4) and James (aged 2) for a walk in Warley Woods. Mrs. Treaclechops and I often look after them on Fridays. It helps their parents keep childcare costs down, as well as keeping us young(ish) and fit(ish).
The lads were very wary because there were rumours of a Gruffalo at large. They had to keep hiding behind trees and bushes whenever they heard a growling noise. I must admit they were very brave and supported each other well. Unfortunately, they couldn’t find a friendly mouse who may have been able to help them.
Being the very model of a modern granddad, I imparted some old-fogey knowledge to them whenever the Gruffalo went quiet and didn’t appear to be menacing them. I taught them to identify the holly bush and warned about the dangers of the prickly leaves, then showed them the daffodil spears that would soon bear bright yellow flowers. I also told them to never touch the red bins in the urban woods, city parks and public places because they’re full of smelly old dog poo.
When we got back home, Mrs. Treaclechops made hot chocolate and I read them the story of the gingerbread boy. James was sad when the fox ate the gingerbread boy, but Jacob thought it was hilarious. It’s amazing the difference that a couple of years of life can make.
As it turned out, the rumours concerning the existence of a menacing Gruffalo in the woods proved to be totally unfounded… it was actually a BSG… BIG SCARY GRANDDAD!
Looking for summer… two children gazing through patio windows
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