I Lost My Friend

This happened to my brother-in-law Larry two years ago at the Goodwood Festival of Speed.

He still talks about his loss and has joined an online therapy group. Some people reading this may even know him.

I Lost My Friend

I lost my friend the other day.
It filled me with such grief.
We’d been together many years
A pain beyond belief.

A friend through thick, a friend through thin.
(I could be describing my hair)
And no matter what sort of mood I was in,
My friend was always there.

Taken by a gust of wind.
To where? I still don’t know.
I searched here and I searched there.
I searched high and low.

I had to face the awful truth,
My friend was gone forever.
No more to protect and comfort me.
A replacement? Oh no. No, never.

I’ll never see the likes again of my dear friend, you see.
So here’s to you, my dear old friend.
My hat. Now R.I.P.

About the author

Sue N
563 Up Votes

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