Her Last Dance

Her Last Dance

The fading embers of her mind
Drift away to a long-ago time
To shrouded visions of some young girl
A time of wonder, a world to unfurl

Through fields she would dance humming a tune
Losing herself amidst the sweet scent of bloom
A fragrant-filled-feast for her lungs to consume
Within the wonderful freedom of nature’s playroom

And as the shimmering sun went down
She would dance through the streets
Of her drab little town

But a community forged
In this grey little place
Neighbours and friends
She could never replace

Some faces so clear
She can still see their smiles
Feel that warmth of affection
She felt as a child

But most are now echoes
Veiled ghosts in her mind
A way of life and its people
Lost somewhere in time…

But, she continued to dance
This sweet, little girl
Took life as it came
Made her own little swirl

One day when she slipped
A hand caught her fall
Funny how sometimes
A look says it all

And their hands caressed
For many a year
Sounds of children and laughter
Filling the air

Such a merry waltz they danced
To a tune they made together
A mere whistle to the world
To her, a symphony forever …

But an unforgiving disease
Found him one day
His soul lost its glow
As he faded to grey

But she held his hand tight
And he felt her despair
‘Life is a dance,’ he smiled
Then was no longer there

So she danced on without him
For a few more years
Knowing the memories they’d shared
Would always be hers

But she started to drift
And her body to quiver
Sweet memories seeped out
Like a fast-flowing river

Her world became smaller
Confusing and dark
The rhythm all gone
From her fluttering heart

Her children were strangers
Kissing her brow
But she knew she was waiting
For someone

And so here she lies
In this unfamiliar place
But someone’s returned
To put a smile on her face…

‘Come dance with me,’ he says
‘Amidst the sweet scent of bloom’
And like blossom they float
Back to nature’s playroom.

Stephen Atkinson

About the author

530 Up Votes
Write a bit of poetry Drink a bit of beer Happy with the fact I'm breathing & still here! I’d like to thank the Silversurfers community for supporting & giving encouraging feedback on my poems on this site. It gave me extra encouragement to complete my book of poems. So thanks again! Here’s the link if you’re interested: The Darkness and The Light https://a.co/d/3SiSlsG

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