Go softly

An absolutely beautiful poem written by Mick Westwood about the arrival of autumn …

Go softly

Go softly sweet Summer, with long lasting days,
And your vast open skies, and your gentler of ways,
But leave me the warmth of your sunshine behind,
Just to tickle my memory, and to embrace my mind.

We welcome now Autumn, where faster winds blow,
And golden leaves fall against a lighter sun’s glow,
Where crisp golden bracken will break on the tread,
And spiders haunt people at night, in their bed.

Where days will grow shorter, and nights longer still,
And witches will dance, on your own windowsill,
With slow foggy mornings, and grass sodden dew,
And glimpses of sunlight are there but a few.

A burning of bonfires, a roasting of spuds,
Of letting off rockets,  (and cussing at ‘duds’ ),
Of playing at conkers, a childhood delight,
Of warming your feet, at the fireside at night.

This is our Autumn, a part of the year,
A slow preparation as Winter draws near,
An earthly rotation, of each season’s tale,
For the glory of nature, will man, – never fail !

( Copyright Michael Westwood 2015 )

About the author

Mick Westwood
21245 Up Votes
I am a 71 year old retired coal miner, who spent 30 years working underground. Having time on my hands, and in order to keep my brain exercised, I decided to try to write poetry and put down on paper some of my life experience, and my hopes, dreams and other thoughts. I also do a little gardening, but I am hopeless at housework. Much to my wife's displeasure.

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