

Fluffy ones, scruffy ones,
Ones that spit and growl.
Others that are born to hunt,
always on the prowl.

Silent stalker in the grass,
waiting for the prey to pass.
Kittens chasing mothers tail,
here they learn how not to fail.

Others quite content to lay,
rest a while and do not play,
dozing in the midday sun
most of them but not the one
who most prefers her owners lap,
the cosiest place to take a nap.

Short fur, long fur,
some with nearly gone fur!
Handsome tom cats, brave and bold,
sporting battle scars of old.
Warriors who were born to fight
in the shadows of the night.

Street cats, neat cats,
get you on your feet cats.
Those who bolt their food
and then give it back to you again.
Gaze at you as if to say
“Didn’t want it anyway”
Creep their way into your bed,
purr for you, you’ll stroke their head.

They let you think that you’re in charge,
you know you’re not but by and large
a little bit of give and take
can do no harm for goodness sake!

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