A kiss from a child
A kiss from a child
Majestic and gentle, proud standing and kind,
If only we knew what you hold in your mind,
Great thunder inside you, free to run wild,
And yet you will treasure a kiss from a child.
Be it horse or small pony all trust is the same,
As gentle their manner still as soft is their mane,
Trust in their owner, gentle and mild,
And always they love that sweet kiss from a child.
A bond here to find, it’s a bond sound and true,
A bond based on trust between horses and you,
Compassion and freedom are both reconciled,
In the kiss sweetly given – that kiss from a child.
That child could be you, or that child could be me,
For a horse only sees you, as you want to be,
For horses and ponies free to run wild,
Will trust those who love the – and a kiss from a child!
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