29th February
That magical February 29th will soon again be here but for me that will not be any affection or good cheer because my special lady and true love, that I had left for heaven many years ago
I often sit thinking about what she meant to me, especially when we have snow
She loved the magical times when it would fall, and gently settle on the ground
She often mentioned how majestically, it would fall without a single sound
Because she loved to see how it covered, each thing in a coat of glistening snow
and often wished that it could stay a lot longer, on the ground sparkle and glow
29th February is traditionally the day, that a lady can ask her man to her marry
So in their hearts a very special, and undying love they could forever carry
she believed that a love that you both carried, forever deep in your heart
And like me, believed that even through death, it will live when we are apart
February 29th is for some people a special and unique day in their life
because they become a little older and have learnt to cope with strife
it also for people born on this unique day, brings them not one birthday, but two
so that if they make a special wish, this magical time round it may come true
February 29th to me is simply another lonely and empty day
since to heaven many years ago, the Angels and Cancer took her away
so each time February 29th comes round again and again
my heart is completely empty of love, but full of endless pain
Mr Chipps, the poet man
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