Nan's latest comments
17th Nov 2020Nan commented on:
I'm a newbieHello - there is a group on Face Book called ‘Scotland from the roadside’. Lots of great photosViewDate:
21st Aug 2020Nan commented on:
Are you a 'Silver Streamer'?The next season of the Crown is about to appear on NetflixViewDate:
28th Jun 2019Nan commented on:
I would like to make new friends for general conversation onlyHi I’m wondering if you know about U3A which is a great way of meeting people alongside playing table tennis, yoga etc. I came to Edinburgh 7 years ago and have a full life with a little help fr9m U3A so I would recommend it.ViewDate:
16th Jun 2019Nan commented on:
Help me find something new...and Healthy!I play table tennis and do yoga as well as walking 2/3 miles every day. However over the last three years I have had a number of falls and medics can’t find a reason so not sure how long I’ll be able to continueViewDate:
15th Jun 2019Nan commented on:
Do you agree with the TV licence changes for over-75s?The television is so valuable to the elderly I think this move would increase loneliness. It also helps people keep up with the news and what is going on in the country.ViewDate:
15th Jun 2019Nan commented on:
I'm a newbieHi - I’m new and like others I used to be with sagazone and made some great friends. I am based in Edinburgh and wondering if there are many Scots already online? If so I would love to hear from you.ViewDate:
15th Jun 2019Nan commented on:
Traveling with health issues - Medi AlertI have a balance issue which has caused me many falls and ruined a lot of my joints. Anyone out there in a similar position?ViewDate:
25th Jan 2019Nan commented on:
Should all pensioners over 75 be entitled to a free TV licence?Television is very important to the elderly especially when they reach 75 and their health is deteriorating. Especially in the winter when the dark nights mean we do not go out.ViewDate:
25th Jan 2019ViewDate:
15th Apr 2017Nan commented on:
Have we been mis-sold a Brexit ? Should politicians be held to account ?I feel that many people voted to exit the EU without proper knowledge as the politicians themselves have admitted they do not know the outcomes. Perhaps at the end of the negotiations we will all have a clearer picture and should then have another vote.ViewDate:
15th Apr 2017Nan commented on:
A Scottish ExperimentOops just noticed that your post was January. However if you want to chat that would be good as I am in Edinburgh so we must have something in common. Weather has been so good here - hope you also have the sunshineViewDate:
15th Apr 2017Nan commented on:
A Scottish ExperimentHello Just came on board today and spotted your proposal so count me in. If I am too late maybe you could post me.ViewDate:
15th Apr 2017Nan commented on:
Do you class yourself as physically active or inactive?Hi - I am new to Siver Surfers and hope to share views with like minded people. I enjoy table tennis and it is recognised as good for our age group especially in the states. I also enjoy yoga and walking daily so I feel this is keeping me active. Would love to get into ceilidh dancing so on the lookout here in Edinburgh. Hope you are enjoying the sunshine.ViewDate:
15th Apr 2017Nan commented on:
Do you think Scotland should hold a second referendum?I would love to see Scotland as an independent country but firstly the Scottish government has to run more efficiently than what we see at the moment and then they have to explain the finance and currency we would use. We are a very different country to England and have no confidence in the politics coming out of Westminster.ViewDate:
30th Apr 2014Nan commented on:
What are your favourite travel destinations and why?Yes I agree the Canyon is amazing as is ansel Adams photos. Yosemite National Park is worth a visit.ViewDate:
30th Apr 2014Nan commented on:
What are your favourite travel destinations and why?AnitaN said Here are two of my favorites: Pikes Peak - Colorado Springs. Elevation 14,115 feet. Amazing views - from the top of the world! http://www.springsgov.com/sectionindex.aspx?sectionid=18 Grand Canyon - Arizona. Inspired by the photography of Ansel Adams. Again amazing views, color and beautiful sunsets. http://www.nps.gov/grca/historyculture/index.htm