Superman's bio
Spontaneity! -
Superman's latest comments
24th Dec 2016Superman commented on:
Are you having enough fun?How can it be fun, when you lose the ones you love!ViewDate:
13th Dec 2016Superman commented on:
Which is your favourite Frank Sinatra Song?They are all great, to me frank was one of the greatest!! But my vote mack the knife!ViewDate:
5th Dec 2016Superman commented on:
Should shops remain closed on Boxing Day?We have lost our true values as a nation, and one day off a week where we can't shop would be good,ViewDate:
5th Dec 2016Superman commented on:
Which activity do you find most restful?Think as you get older rest is more difficult to find, seems my mind works overtime at 2.00 in the morning why is that!!! What makes me the most restful now a long walk on a bright sunny day!ViewDate:
5th Dec 2016Superman commented on:
RetirementThanks for your comments, must say most people don't regret retirement, starting to look forward to It, but like you am single and think it makes it a bit more difficult, still life after working! AtbViewDate:
29th Nov 2016Superman commented on:
Should smoking be brought back into pubs?Who can afford to smoke and go to a pub!! No, smokers should stay outside, away from us non smokers, who don't want the smell in their hair or clothes!!!! Dirty habit!ViewDate:
29th Nov 2016Superman commented on:
How do we make friends on here? Any help as I am not very Computer savvyNo idea John, just joined myself, but looks interestingViewDate:
29th Nov 2016Superman commented on:
RetirementThanks, coworker part time, but have had enough, recent comments are helping, the is light attend of tunnelViewDate:
27th Nov 2016Superman commented on:
Do you think we’re facing chaos now we’re leaving the EU?Couldn't see the benefits of leaving, even more convinced we should have remained, whole thing is a mess, how can any government.know what to do when the who!e country has so much debt!!! -
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