Papa Bear's bio
Someone who believes that we all have something to offer. Unity over separate flags. Being kind takes effort, however, gives the greatest rewards in life. That we do not have any right to this planet and live here only until we don't. Life is a gift and an experience with no given guarantees. -
Papa Bear's latest comments
15 hours agoPapa Bear commented on:
Do you support the 2.8% pay rise for MPs?We have been heading to an ageing population for, dare I say it years. This is not news this is an attempt to justify the current economic situation. In short they are telling us nothing.ViewDate:
1 days agoPapa Bear commented on:
Do you support the 2.8% pay rise for MPs?For everyone salary increases are tied to productivity and performance. Why should it be different for any sector? If you fail then you should not be rewarded. In regards to the Welfare State, no one wants to penalise those who require support, however, this support needs to be balanced and only paid to those who really require it. Are we seriously saying that our country is as unhealthy as it looks on paper? If it is, there is a more serious issue to be addressing, why we, as one of the leading countries in the world, have so many people with ill health? Let’s stop all the hypocrisy and start creating opportunities for people rather than providing and maintaining inadequate support for those that, for whatever reason, do not want to contribute in some way. If we managed the system better there would be better funding for those who actually do need it. Once upon a time people believed self respect was part of working and doing your part. Where did that go?ViewDate:
4 days agoPapa Bear commented on:
U.S. is in for uncertaintyAs you rightly point out, for now, AI still requires human interaction. When it has the power to think purely by itself what will its thoughts be about humanity? I guess those around at the time will know soon enough. What we all need to remember is the universal constant, change. Everything has a beginning and everything has an ending.ViewDate:
5 days agoPapa Bear commented on:
U.S. is in for uncertaintyHe too is on that slope and I’m not sure there is a “Golden Age”. The easiest thing to do when you have challenges in life is to try and deflect them to others rather than address them yourself. Unfortunately, those in power continue to manipulate the masses into believing they have the answers. I hope people look beyond the bravado and see that ego is not a way forward but one that leads to chaos. We live on one planet and need to realise we are here together and not here for the strong to take from the weak. What happiness or progress ever comes from that? Our world cries out for great leaders but only those with selfish goals step forward.ViewDate:
19th Mar 2025Papa Bear commented on:
U.S. is in for uncertaintyThe world is in for uncertainty not just the good old USA. Donald Trump has reminded us all we should never put all our eggs in one basket. Thank you Donald let’s hope we all learn the lesson you have taught us.ViewDate:
22nd Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Is it time to make National Service mandatory?There is absolutely no way the UK could make any difference to it's own safety or Europe on its own. Europe needs to accept the USA is now having to focus on China as their priority. Geopolitics is the name of the game and always has been. Europe needs to unite in a way it has never been able to do before for Europe not to be controlled by Russia. That requires a more cohesive response from all the European countries but that is not what we are witnessing. Already individual countries cower in fear of offending either the USA and/or Russia. There is a new world order and Europe needs to catch up and be an equal player or bow to it. National Service, whatever that would be, needs to be embraced by everyone in the country, not just our young people as it will affect our economies purse strings. This could be a great way forward for us if applied and managed correctly or it could be a disaster if it isn't. Either way it only happens with most people believing it is worthwhile. Even if we do have National Service it will make no difference unless the rest of our European allies see and want to become a united European super power because only then can we sit at the table of the new world with the USA, Russia and China. The USA balances the challenge of China. AND United Europe balances the challenge of Russia. Or my hope, we all realise the world is shrinking more and more every day and we all need to get along or pay a terrible price for our fear of each other..ViewDate:
20th Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Shirley Ballas and Julia Bradbury urge women to take up breast cancer checksThis article reminds me of how my mum dealt with her breast cancer back in 1982. Cancer back then terrified a lot of people and I’m not sure what screening was available at this time. I digress from what I want to share. By the time I found out she had cancer it was too late for me to ask her to seek help. It was my stepfather who finally told me and when he did I was really angry. Angry that he had denied me the opportunity to support her when the symptoms first appeared and how she buried her head in the sand when I might have helped her to sustain hope. Mum had 2 mastectomies but by then the cancer had spread and there was no path back. If I could talk to her now I would let her know how not having a conversation about her cancer would stop her watching my sister and I growing up and her loving and holding her grandchildren in her arms. Fear is the mind destroyer and it often makes us choose to walk the path of questionable options. If you choose to not take this screening ponder your choice a little more and remember those you love and maybe you will see this as just another way of you showing how much you love and care for them. Love you forever and always mum. xxxViewDate:
20th Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Is it time to make National Service mandatory?If that is the choice people make then we need to respect it, Mandatory frightens people and you’re right, no Government has the conviction to apply this. In the end if the majority affected choose that option they need to be prepared for how that will work for our country going forward. As they say; “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail”.ViewDate:
20th Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Is it time to make National Service mandatory?For your dad’s generation that worked not sure today’s would accept that sort of lesson. My nephew got into a situation where he had a choice to make, get sentenced in court or join the armed forces. Long story short he served in the Navy and he himself, when he left, talked about the positive influence it had on his life. This is why we need the younger generation to look at what they need to do to secure their future in the world they live in. They will rightly, not be told, they can think for themselves and will do so. We need to give them the answers they require to make a choice they believe in and are happy to commit to. Then our Government needs to give them the best training, opportunities and equipment to do the job. Choice is the only real thing most of us truly own in life, people need the right to make their choices because only then will they commit to making it work.ViewDate:
20th Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Should drivers over 70 re-take their driving test?It looks like many of us are thinking beyond the suggested resitting of a Driving Test and more towards the actual driving. We all know that the test serves its purpose, basic tick off to say you can drive vehicles, but we also know that is the start of really learning to drive. Staying focused on driving rather than a mandatory resitting of the test definitely needs to be reviewed and amendments put in place. As you say technology can and should play it’s part to achieve this.ViewDate:
19th Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Do you support the introduction of a bottle-return scheme?Opposition critics have said the scheme will damage businesses and increase the burden on consumers. Why? Not sure how it happened but when did putting in effort and accepting accountability become negatives?ViewDate:
19th Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Would you support the ban of cat ownership in some parts of Scotland?Sounds like she's a cat who likes to hunt on her own terms. Bell what bell?ViewDate:
19th Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Would you support the ban of cat ownership in some parts of Scotland?This brought a smile to my face. As a compromise I'll take cat off the menu in future.ViewDate:
19th Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Would you support the ban of cat ownership in some parts of Scotland?Not sure doing nothing is a good or smart option. There's an issue something has to change. A balance needs to be found.ViewDate:
19th Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Would you support the ban of cat ownership in some parts of Scotland?No. This was being considered.ViewDate:
19th Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Would you support the ban of cat ownership in some parts of Scotland?Banning seems extreme as cats deserve their freedom like every other creature. And they are companions for many people. Maybe more neutering is a consideration to restrict unwanted kittens as I often here others say "our cat has given birth to another litter of kittens and we're now having to find them a home". The price of freedom to roam here, there and everywhere.ViewDate:
19th Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Spreading kindness: The power of small actsOffering a kindness is always a fantastic buzz.ViewDate:
19th Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Should drivers over 70 re-take their driving test?Is this an ageist article? How people drive is not about age it is about many different things but age should not be a defining reason to make changes. Should everyone be accountable for how responsibly they drive and their fitness to do so, absolutely. Mobility and sight testing at a minimum should be compulsory for every driver. Mental health may also be something that needs to be assessed. We should all need to provide qualified evidence on a regular basis, e.g. annually, every X amount of years and definitely before we return to driving after certain medical issues and life changing incidents. None of this should be age restricted. After all we are all different and have different issues at different ages. The important point about driving is that you are able to do so safely. I am more than happy to be assessed for my fitness to drive on a regular basis to ensure my safety and the safety of others. However, let's not make this an age requirement but a requirement for all those who drive.ViewDate:
19th Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Is it time to make National Service mandatory?Forcing individuals only brings resentment, confrontation and negativity. If you do not protect what you have others will take it from you. A structured society costs money so it is a given expense if you wish to maintain it. Fear when considering anything destroys constructive perspective. Too many people are happy to take but reluctant to give back. Knowledge, enjoyable and relevant education, involvement, trust and honesty allows individuals to make their own informed decisions. Geopolitics needs to be more accessible and encouraged in our education system so that everyone learns how our world works and why decisions are rightly or wrongly made. Freedom, whatever that means to you, comes with a cost. If we are not willing to meet that cost then we need to live with what that brings us. Procrastination never leads to anything worthwhile.ViewDate:
18th Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Do you support the proposed amendment to the assisted dying Bill?Assisted dying should be a right and not a debate by all those who create fears of it becoming an easy way of removing individuals that may really want to request it. This is something that should not be decided based on how some may try to use it to their own benefit. Quality of life is the deciding factor and the lack of it the only reason it should be considered. If you have a pet you do not think twice about giving it a dignified end of life if/when required. Why then do we not allow the ones we love the same dignity? Nothing is full proof but it doesn't mean we shouldn't allow it. Too many suffer because we fear misuse of this option. Open your heart and think with love what is best for those who may seek this dignified end to their gift of life. Suffering to them and those who love them need never be prolonged for lack of compassion. The biggest hurdle is the way we look at death within the circle of life. It is not separate but a part of it. The sooner we all respect everything has a beginning and an end the sooner we will respect the wishes from those who would choose to pass this way.ViewDate:
18th Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Have you cut out night driving because of dazzling headlights?Driving at night became a non starter for me because of cataracts. As soon as the headlights hit my eyes the light fragmented in my eyes and driving became a blind ride. I'm happy to say I've been for the operation, delayed this due to my whole fear of anyone/anything touching my eyes, but like most fears it was greatly exaggerated in my own head. So happy I got over it and with the result. Yes, headlights still dazzle me but not in the same way and I feel more able to drive at night with confidence again.ViewDate:
18th Feb 2025Papa Bear commented on:
Which is your favourite Romantic Film?Other favourites are: "Message in a Bottle" "Joe Black" "The Lake House" -
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