StephSG's latest comments
25th Feb 2018StephSG commented on:
Ask a doctor: What should happen when you see a GP about depression?Someone I love recently tried to do away with himself. His wife was told to come and get him from hospital the next day, although she had had no sleep and had two children to look after, or to 'put him in a hotel because 'no-one had time to watch him' at the hospital! After that he had visits from a variety of people all talking jargon, but his wife got no help. Now he is trying to pay for some therapy, although he has money worries, as he was told it is an 'investment for his future', and is facing pressure from his workplace as well. He hasn't been put on anti-depressants as his doctor said it may 'mask his depression', but I think if he didn't have living family around he would be gone by now!ViewDate:
1st Dec 2017StephSG commented on:
How to prevent joint pain flare-ups from cold weatherI thought the herbal stuff had been discredited recently? Can anyone on here say it has definitely helped them?ViewDate:
7th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?@ Irene88 - I have given up programmes like Question Time, Have I Got News For You, and even the BBC News a long time ago, because of rudeness and bias. I blame the media for the awful language and manners of the young now - sad. Of course, they don't remember our kinder and more polite age.ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?@ YvonneW5 - Theresa tried to end the triple lock and asked pensioners to contribute more to their own care, but they wouldn't accept it, even to help the young. She nearly lost control because of that and Corbyn's lies - don't blame her, because we are broke!ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?@ Purplebunny- and the EU think we should take millions more economic migrants now, too. They would like to send just about everyone from Africa here, any time now. I feel sorry for them, but England is a tiny country, and full up.ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?@ AnnHar1 - Sadly, the benefits bill had ballooned so hugely over the last years that something had to be done. It is very harsh, but remember we are trillions in debt, which the young will find impossible to pay back. Added to that, we have got many people from other countries on the streets now, as well. It is upsetting, but if Corbyn got in, businesses and the wealthy would leave the country as fast as they could, because the people behind would try to grab any profit they made, spend billions on re-nationalising stuff, borrow shedloads for everything and try to tax the few who pay tax now even more. The economy would implode, and then what would happen to the poor?ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?Ps I now put the tv on mute whenever Laura K or Corbyn is on the News!ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?@ Irene88 - how nice to read comments from level headed people like you on here, Irene. Sometimes you feel quite lonely trying to stand against all the sneering bias against Theresa and support Brexit. The Times online is full of Remainers writing from peaceful retirement in quiet place in Europe, or young left-wing hot heads with no life experience yet!ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?@ viking - absolutely true.There is no impartial news reporting to be found anywhere - all is biased, rude, vulgar or hateful. I despair!ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?@ scandiman - they have all known that any attempt to reign in pensioners would elicit screams of protest and a vote from the Grey Power brigade that might see them lose the election. Theresa hoped that her position would be strong enough to try to get them to give up a bit to help the young, but because of Corbyn's mad promises to the students, it wasn't, sadly!ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?@ Marley444 - My thoughts exactly. I hope someone draws her attention to how much support and sympathy she has from most of us on here! Bet the papers won't mention it.ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?The Times headline could have been 'Brave Theresa delivers her view of the future for our country, in spite of battling illness!' Was it, heck!ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?Do you not realise that the country is trillions of pounds in debt? Do you want to leave any more for the young to pay off somehow?ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?Europe have laughed before, but we showed them what we are made of in the end. Theresa May showed the same courage when she made her speech in spite of obviously being ill. I greatly respect her - she is a srong woman, in fact.ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?It is depressing how willing these traitors are to try to bring down May, Brexit and the country. They should be ashamed of themselves!ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?See my comment earlier, Brian Hay, about younger men (and a few older ones) and their attititude to older women!ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?I think many young men can't stand having an older woman wield any power. They don't like it even when women are young and glamorous, but heaven help us when we get older, as I well know! (As for actually daring to get a bad cold - disgusting!)ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?She tried to help the young by cancelling the triple lock and asking pensioners to pay more for their care in future, but Corbyn promised the young huge amounts, and they fell for that, of course. Then she had to retreat, to stop him from sabotaging both her and Brexit, indirectly.ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?I totally agree. Even the Times has gone the same way, lately!ViewDate:
6th Oct 2017StephSG commented on:
Should Theresa May stay or go?She was up against Corbyn's lies to students, and pensioners refusal to accept that the triple lock is unaffordable, and so is the cost of supporting all of us Baby Boomers when we are very old!ViewDate:
9th Jun 2017StephSG commented on:
Has Theresa May's power evaporated?Can understand your kids not seeing through him, but not you!ViewDate:
30th May 2017StephSG commented on:
Which is the most important issue for you?I think Leadership and Brexit go together, and I trust Theresa May to get us through.ViewDate:
22nd May 2017ViewDate:
22nd May 2017StephSG commented on:
Have you changed your mind?There just won't be the money to go round when the Baby boomers all hit their eighties and nineties and get dementia. It's tough, but there it is!ViewDate:
22nd May 2017StephSG commented on:
Have you changed your mind?The super rich will send their wealth to the Cayman islands or something. All the wealthy French came to London when their tax was hiked!ViewDate:
22nd May 2017StephSG commented on:
Have you changed your mind?Well, you must have had my share, because I've had nothing! Most pensioners have done very well if they own a house because of the rise in house prices. Many also have very good pensions, so why should the young have to try to pay for our care when we are very old? They aren't having nearly such an easy time getting a house or a pension.ViewDate:
22nd May 2017StephSG commented on:
Have you changed your mind?Billions would be needed for Labour's plans, and the rich and their money would be out of the country like a shot before Corbyn could get near them!ViewDate:
22nd May 2017StephSG commented on:
Have you changed your mind?Yes, but look at the poor in Greece - they are living on the streets and scavenging to eat. It could be worse here if we don't watch out. Our benefits bill is massive.ViewDate:
22nd May 2017StephSG commented on:
Have you changed your mind?I do agree that older women have a tough time at the moment, and always have.ViewDate:
22nd May 2017StephSG commented on:
Have you changed your mind?Rubbish comment. I was a nurse, but I still wonder if you have a magic lamp to rub to find all the money that Labour is offering everyone!ViewDate:
22nd May 2017StephSG commented on:
Have you changed your mind?He has never grown up from his student protest days, and nor have you from the sound of it. Try living in the real World!ViewDate:
22nd May 2017StephSG commented on:
Have you changed your mind?Don't be daft! It is all my fellow greedy well off pensioners who have forced the issue. They can not get their heads round the fact that we are all living so long that the young can't support us all. Theresa May knows this, but she has to put Brexit first and not let Jeremy Corbyn drag us all into God knows what!ViewDate:
22nd May 2017StephSG commented on:
Have you changed your mind?We are a country that owes trillions of pounds, and most people have no savings either - hardly rich, just living beyond our means. Theresa May is looking ahead to a post Brexit era where we shall have to be very careful. As a pensioner, I remember the fifties. Times were very tough then and we managed, but not by throwing money around like Jeremy Corbyn wants to!ViewDate:
3rd Sep 2016StephSG commented on:
Windows 10 does anybody use it?I never use my laptop now because I hate Windows 10. I stick to my Apple IPad - brilliant!