Smudgersnan's bio
Hi. I am new to this 'world' of same age surfers! I am keen to socialise in any format. I am a wife, mum and nanna. I love to sew, crochet, read and write. I also visit the pool (while I can!) to swim or attend aqua. I love my garden, although not the work that accompanies it-guess I like to gaze and admire more than digging and weeding! I believe in 'Use it, or lose it' so try to be active, despite my age. I love chocolate and wine, frequently please! -
Smudgersnan's latest comments
30th Jul 2021ViewDate:
4th Apr 2021ViewDate:
31st Mar 2021Smudgersnan commented on:
St. Clements Drizzle CakeHI, I am responsible for the recipe only-not the photograph.ViewDate:
5th Dec 2020Smudgersnan commented on:
Christmas 2020Loved this poem and the message it brings...thank you. Stay safe.ViewDate:
2nd Dec 2020Smudgersnan commented on:
Life in a UK villageHello Llamamamma, I live in a little village called Melling, in the parish of Waddicar. This is near Aintree (think Grand National) and a 20 minute train ride to Liverpool. When I was a little girl and lived in Aintree, Melling was like a 'one way in and one way out' kind of road. Houses flanked both sides of Waddicar lane, and that was it apart from a school, a church, little post office and general store. As houses are built, Melling grew, but the original Tithebarn still stands and more shops popped up. I think the residents of Melling have a heart of gold-The local pub was runner up in a national competition for all the good works they did during the first lockdown, by ensuring vulnerables had a hot meal and were not entirely isolated. Whenever people need something, the local residents and neighbours always rise to the challenge. I have always felt that I live somewhere very nice indeed and feel blessed, (we moved here in 2006) and I hope it continues. I believe that social media has a huge hand in the community spirit, I am personally not on face book, but I realise how fast news spreads via this platform! Melling participates in Melling in Bloom each year, we all contribute towards the flowers and plants etc., and we all love the scarecrow competition when overnight many many gardens become homes for some really fantastic entries! At Christmas, we have several trees with solar lights on street lights and this year, because we were not happy with the council tree, decided to get our own. A beautiful tree now stands in the car park of our Horse and Jockey pub and looks fabulous. So, in answer to your question-not everyone knows everyone, but we see familiar faces when we go out for our exercise and lovely walks ( we are blessed with lovely surroundings for walking) or to the shop. I would certainly recommend living in a village, but I guess you just take a chance on where you go and who lives there already doesnt it?ViewDate:
24th Nov 2020ViewDate:
16th Nov 2020Smudgersnan commented on:
Alternative Christmas Puddingsthank you...you must try them! They are a winner and keep for days in a tin, (not that they usually last that long!)ViewDate:
9th Nov 2020ViewDate:
8th Nov 2020ViewDate:
8th Nov 2020ViewDate:
8th Nov 2020ViewDate:
8th Nov 2020Smudgersnan commented on:
Letting abusive son back home?Hello Mikjayfay, I read your post and really feel for you. Anyone who has been touched by abuse has some idea of the predicament you and your wife are in. It is really hard for you, I know. However, I am going to urge you to not let him back into your home. It would be detrimental to you, your health and your marriage. The shame of it is, your wife isn't really on the same page as you is she? No mum wants to think of their child on the streets....but remind her, that he is not a child. Your son is a grown adult. You say he blames you.....let him, if that's how he can explain away his own life choices. Seriously, it is all too easy to blame others for your shortcomings or failures-but an adult is an adult and life is all about choice, some are good and some go wrong. If we are lucky, we learn from our mistakes, however, some people just lash out and blame everyone else, except themselves-exactly what your son is doing. You say he refuses to claim benefits? Yet he will not refuse your hospitality, shelter and financial support. Think about it. If you were my parent or friend, I would advise you to be strong and say no. Make it clear you just about manage as it is financially and you would prefer him to seek alternative arrangements. Remind him he is a grown adult and you are not responsible for his actions. Emotional blackmail is horrendous, but when you are firm and solid with your stance, he will find another path. Wishing you health and happiness, JeanetteViewDate:
6th Nov 2020ViewDate:
5th Nov 2020ViewDate:
3rd Nov 2020Smudgersnan commented on:
Alternative Christmas PuddingsGood morning Sally! Arh, no I don't...... (I'm not very good when it comes to capturing the moment with a pic). However, I may make some this weekend, so if I do, will forward a pic. I warn you, they are very 'morish!' Jeanette xViewDate:
2nd Nov 2020ViewDate:
1st Nov 2020ViewDate:
30th Oct 2020ViewDate:
30th Oct 2020ViewDate:
25th Oct 2020Smudgersnan commented on:
And so to bedHa! This could have been me.... I insisted on two singles pushed together many years, ago- I think it saved our marriage. We were both shift workers and disturbed each other. Single beds solved the problem instantly. The secret is single duvet covers also... No arguments now!ViewDate:
25th Oct 2020ViewDate:
20th Oct 2020Smudgersnan commented on:
Just a Treat in Lockdownloved your poem......could have been me talking.........ViewDate:
11th Oct 2020Smudgersnan commented on:
St. Clements Drizzle CakeHi! I have made it in a loaf tin, but prefer square cake tins or Pyrex dishes as it cooks quicker and I prefer to cut into 'cubes' rather than slices. Do try it..... Enjoy!ViewDate:
11th Oct 2020ViewDate:
11th Oct 2020ViewDate:
10th Oct 2020Smudgersnan commented on:
Son's wedding (not invited)Hello PurpleHat! I so enjoyed reading the last couple of lines of your comment.......you must be delighted that your grandson and his 'lovely' wife are in your life and your great-granddaughter!!! This was my point in my reply. I could not agree with you more. It is a very difficult situation. The fact that you called your grandson's wife 'lovely' speaks volumes.ViewDate:
10th Oct 2020Smudgersnan commented on:
New MemberGood morning Mary! I shall have a look at the book later today, thank you. It is very grim weather wise today here.........grey, dark, windy and very wet! Not the kind of weather to lift your heart I can tell you! I don't think I will be going anywhere today. Instead, I shall pass an hour or two in my 'happy place' (otherwise known as little spare bedroom) where I have created a little peaceful area to sew or write. At the moment I am making more face masks (surprise!) as the original few I made are the pleated type and although they were fine, I saw a pattern for a better fitting type, which gave you a bit more room inside, if you know what I mean? I made a 'demo' one yesterday and liked it, so today will make a couple from some nice fabric.... Of course, the house is like a tip, but I can't be bothered! You know Mary, when I worked, my house was clean. I had a system and I made it work. Each day, different task, different room. Now that I'm home and can clean anytime, I seriously can not be bothered. I am more reactive than proactive now-see the dust, so polish, see the dirt so mop! The pandemic is not helping. the local news here is that we will go to the three tier system soon, Boris will announce Monday if we are to believe what we read in the local and national papers. What are you reading and hearing about it? Well, I shall say goodbye, chin up and chest out my friend! Jeanette xViewDate:
9th Oct 2020Smudgersnan commented on:
New MemberGood morning Mary, Lovely to read your reply! You are so lucky living in Fife...never been but I know how lovely it is! You must have felt it when all your social activities came to a halt as neither one is a solitary past time is it? Never mind, one day eh? About books, I shall look for your recommendation. I do not know what genre you favour, but have you heard of Kate Morton? I think she has written about 5 books, but I absolutely love them. Have a look, google her name, and start at her very first one, I think its called the secret garden. If you want to avoid drama and romance and like a thriller, take a peek at Linwood Barclay's 'A tap on the window' had me hooked from the first page. I use a kindle, couldn't be without it now! There are so many books to choose from now, I guess with people self publishing, the literary world has exploded! It is all looking a bit grim again isn't it with regard to the pandemic........I guess we have to do as we are told and hope for the best. I have enjoyed going back to David Lloyd since the lock down laws were relaxed-it was lovely to go and enjoy a swim and aqua class (and feel like everything was normal again, just for a while), but it looks like today may be my last class again for a while (sad face!). Well, enjoy your day, and chin up-chest out my friend! JeanetteViewDate:
8th Oct 2020Smudgersnan commented on:
Son's wedding (not invited)Hello, I am so sad to read your post...you must be so upset. As other members have replied, you are not alone in this kind of situation.... I can only offer a little advice, perhaps you have already been told, but I have learnt (operative word) that 'least said, soonest mended' is so true. Perhaps your son is in a difficult position, and it may be paining him as much as you, but he is trying to 'keep the peace' with his future wife (and family, by the sound of it?) I cannot imagine on what basis you have been left out of from invitations, but I would bite my tongue and say nothing. I really appreciate how difficult this must be for you. I would also never say anything negative in this regard and offer only praise and compliments in the future to your boy and his wife. You will be providing her with nothing at all to condemn you and your boy will be grateful, trust me. This situation is awful for you, but extremely common, and I think you will 'win' in the end, as do not forget, grandchildren may be on the horizon and you want to stay onside for that reason alone! I wish you well. Take care of yourself and stay safe.ViewDate:
8th Oct 2020Smudgersnan commented on:
New MemberHello Mary, Welcome to Silversurfers, and I am happy to chat with you... I am 61 (next month), love books, travelling and meeting up with friends also, so feel your pain when you describe being severely curtailed and feeling a bit anxious!. Perhaps we can swap stories over the next few days, weeks, months...who knows how long! I am from Melling, little (extremely little) place close to Aintree (think Grand National) and 20 minute train journey from Liverpool. I am a wife, mum and nanna. I am a qualified nurse, though left practice in 2013 for personal reasons, and never went back! I realised that although I loved my job, I loved spending my time doing what I wanted more! I keep busy, I go David Lloyd four times a week for aqua exercise, I love to read, sew, crochet and occasionally dabble in writing (short stories and poems). For many, many years, I would write and then after I had a stack of stories or poems, tear them up and throw them away. This month, I joined Silversurfers and had just finished a story, so I submitted it to test the water. I'm glad I did, it was nice receiving feedback and comments from strangers about my work. I was delighted to win the literature of the month! We live in a mad mad world and I am a believer in people being allowed to talk through their anxieties and concerns and to not feel alone or judged...... so, if you feel like replying or swapping chats on a regular basis, feel free my friend, Stay safe and God bless you, JeanetteViewDate:
2nd Oct 2020ViewDate:
1st Oct 2020ViewDate:
1st Oct 2020 -
Smudgersnan's latest showcase activity
Approved1 Comments21/03/2022 18:51:26Desserts: Hot Cross PuddingHi all!! Do not know if many people know about this simple, yet delicious recipe for Easter? I...Approved4 Comments11/06/2021 18:02:18Baking: St. Clements Drizzle CakeSt. Clements Drizzle Cake 175g Caster Sugar 175g Soft butter 175g Self Raising...Approved0 Comments17/11/2020 08:58:09short stories: HearsayHearsay (A small act of kindness at Christmas time.............) She didn’t look up when...Approved6 Comments03/11/2020 08:56:03Baking: Alternative Christmas PuddingsChocolate Orange cake balls (AKA Alternative Christmas Puddings) Cake: 150g butter...Approved8 Comments20/10/2020 16:32:31poems: PendingPending My life is in pending, I’m sure I’m not alone, I’m listening to...Approved0 Comments28/09/2020 10:13:09short stories: The Wheels On The Bus......The Wheels On The Bus.... 8.15a.m. Gillian hates Mondays, because she loves her job. ...Approved24 Comments21/09/2020 09:16:13poems: A Single White FeatherA Single White Feather A single white feather, I saw again today, Exactly a year since you...Approved6 Comments19/09/2020 17:29:19poems: Count down to Christmas!Count down to Christmas! Christmas is coming – and I’m already fat! When did that...Approved5 Comments14/09/2020 08:13:20short stories: The Absent CatThe first time Theresa saw her new next-door neighbour ‘Clapping for Carers,’ she thought she... -
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