Trimaz's bio
I write poetry, train dogs, I have a diploma in Dog obedience and Dog Psychology. I have written quite a lot of books but have not had any published.......yet. I write children's stories and ghost revenge stories for young adults or adults. I am in the process of writing a cookery book for meals around a fiver. -
Trimaz's latest comments
25th Mar 2024ViewDate:
22nd Mar 2019Trimaz commented on:
Win a £50 Morrisons voucher to spend on your Mother's Day treats and giftsLost my mum a few years back so a bouquet for her grave would be super.ViewDate:
2nd Apr 2015Trimaz commented on:
England ExpectsThank you for setting out my poem so brilliantly. It looks even better with flag and picture. -
Trimaz's latest showcase activity
Approved1 Comments01/04/2015 18:06:02poems: England ExpectsThis poignant poem was written by Patricia Walton England Expects England expects it's... -
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