keithknapman's latest comments
29th Jun 2017keithknapman commented on:
Win ONE of FIVE Copies of 'No thanks! I'm quite happy standing!' By Virginia IronsideIt would be a nice gift for my daughter who cares for me.ViewDate:
29th Jun 2017keithknapman commented on:
Win a case of boutique French Wines from Virgin Wines!What a lovely time would be hadViewDate:
25th Mar 2017keithknapman commented on:
Win 2 nights on board the Luxury Sunborn Superyacht in Gibraltar!It would be great for my daughter as she's my CarerViewDate:
25th Mar 2017keithknapman commented on:
Win an e-bike worth £799.99 from E-Bikes Direct!Be great for my daughter save her driving as she's my CarerViewDate:
30th Jan 2017keithknapman commented on:
Possible damage caused by candlesI have developed staining to my ceiling and know it is affecting my walls and even my fridge and microwave has been discoloured internally together with a new Coffee Maker bought for me as a Christmas present. The black covering will not come off. I live in a one bed supervised Housing bungalow and have been here just under 6 months since my wife left me. The staining started about three months ago just on the ceiling and repairers originally thought it was damp. After a meeting with them on Thursday this week they one suggested my nebuliser and two the burning of candles. I occasionally burn only Yankee candles as I prefer these but cannot afford them being disabled and a small pension having to stop working in 2011 through increased ill health. I know Yankee candles can smoke if the wick is too long and I have ensured that this has never happened by cutting the wick in accordance with the instructions given. The damage has affected every room, that is the Kitchen and Living Room which are combined, Wet Room, Bedroom and small Hallway leading from the front door. The Housing Association Repairs are now saying it is my responsibility. I have asked them to carry out sampling but I will have to pay £750.00 plus VAT. I was hoping that someone may have come across this situation and help me in showing the Housing Association as to if this is the case. May I say that I have only burnt a candle in the combined Kitchen and Living Room. I hope someone can help as it is affecting my breathing and enhancing other conditions.ViewDate:
28th Jan 2017keithknapman commented on:
Win a stylish Opti-myst® electric stove courtesy of Dimplex!Used to have a similar one but when I last moved I gave it to my daughter. We have since moved again and would love to one.ViewDate:
7th Jan 2017ViewDate:
7th Jan 2017keithknapman commented on:
Win a Marbella Queen Anne Chair courtesy of Plumbs!Now with my problems this is most certainly something I could do withViewDate:
7th Jan 2017keithknapman commented on:
Win a stylish Opti-myst® electric stove courtesy of Dimplex!Something I could really do withViewDate:
11th Nov 2016keithknapman commented on:
Win the holiday of a lifetime worth £6,000!For my widowed daughter still only 33 with two children and now my full time carer since my wife left me New Year's EveViewDate:
3rd Apr 2016keithknapman commented on:
Should smoking be brought back into pubs?Yes yes yes please a cigarette and a pint heavenViewDate:
3rd Apr 2016keithknapman commented on:
Should smoking be brought back into pubs?Yes, yes and yes a pint and a cigarette lovelyViewDate:
5th Mar 2016keithknapman commented on:
Should cannabis be legalised for medicinal reasons?Strictly legalised for pain but not as a general use for allViewDate:
4th Dec 2015keithknapman commented on:
Should Britain stay in the EU or is now the time to leave?It's the worst thing we ever done and we should leave the EU immediately.ViewDate:
4th Dec 2015keithknapman commented on:
Win an iPad Mini (16GB, Wifi) in our Prize Draw!Never won anything before it would be great to win this.ViewDate:
11th Sep 2015keithknapman commented on:
Win 400 Spring Bulbs and a Bowl Planter from Bakker Spalding!My wife and I were just taking about gardening as we have never had one before so this would be fantastic.ViewDate:
11th Sep 2015ViewDate:
11th Sep 2015keithknapman commented on:
Win a 3 night break in Britain’s finest countryside!It would be great to take my wife for a well deserved break.ViewDate:
27th Jul 2015keithknapman commented on:
Should Britain stay in the EU or is now the time to leave?Ireland is an island but we have built a tunnel in an attempt to make easier access to Europe. Ferries are just fine just like to Ireland, Orkny's etc.ViewDate:
17th Jul 2015keithknapman commented on:
Would you welcome your GP surgery being opened 7 days a week?The government needs to invest in more doctors and nurses for hospitals and surgeries and like most people take normal holidays. Perhaps it would be a nice gesture to forgo their wage increases like us.ViewDate:
17th Jul 2015ViewDate:
17th Jul 2015keithknapman commented on:
Should Britain stay in the EU or is now the time to leave?We are an island!!!!!!!ViewDate:
29th May 2015keithknapman commented on:
Win a Luxury 4 night holiday with Etihad and Beach Rotana Abu Dhabi!Would be fantasticViewDate:
1st May 2015keithknapman commented on:
Win a 3 night mini-cruise for two with Caledonian Discovery!This would be a great break for my wife who looks after me on a daily basis and has done since my ill health started three years ago. She deserves a medal.ViewDate:
17th Apr 2015keithknapman commented on:
Win a luxury coach holiday for two to the West Country with Brend ToursMy wife deserves a break from caring for me and being there continually for our two children and severn grandchildren.ViewDate:
6th Mar 2015keithknapman commented on:
Win a pair of tickets to Royal Windsor Horse ShowBe exciting to take my niece who rides and competes herself