jugsy's bio
I am just a soul whose intentions are good. Oh Lord please don't let me be misunderstood. -
jugsy's latest comments
9th Feb 2018jugsy commented on:
Win a Fitbit to see just how fit you’re becoming.I think it could make me paranoid not sure if it is such a good thing.ViewDate:
11th Jul 2017jugsy commented on:
Should male and female Wimbledon tennis winners get the same amount of prize money?They should be paid the same if they do the same. Posting this again as developed a gremlin in original.ViewDate:
11th Jul 2017jugsy commented on:
Should male and female Wimbledon tennis winners get the same amount of prize money?They should come not be paid the same if they do the same. Unfortunately, this is not the case.ViewDate:
13th Jan 2017jugsy commented on:
Will you be sending Christmas cards this year?Just had a look at some of the posts and all of them seem to be women. See my previous post!!!!ViewDate:
13th Jan 2017jugsy commented on:
Will you be sending Christmas cards this year?I stopped sending Christmas Cards a number of years ago. I now make a donation to the Birmingham Children's Hospital. I started to feel that if you want to wish someone happy Christmas then contact them and say it by telephone. This has worked really well for me with family members I never see. I can wish happy Christmas on Facebook to all my other friends. I honestly think that sending Christmas Cards is a very women thing to do. If you did a survey to find out how many men would do it then I think the custom would have stopped years ago. Let's stop and give to charity. I get a much nicer feeling than I ever did sending Christmas Cards.ViewDate:
29th Jun 2016jugsy commented on:
Why do some people still cling to religion?I will say that I am an Athiest. I have many friends who are believers and I am fine with that. I think some people need faith and some people don't. Somewhere down the line they will find a 'faith' gene. I am pretty sure I do not have it, but we must always be tolerant of other people's views.ViewDate:
29th Jun 2016jugsy commented on:
Should smokers, drinkers, drug users and obese people be charged to see the doctor?No not at all. It just would not work and it would split society. Education is the only way to help with these issues. If someone decides to abuse themselves there should be more help for them not less.ViewDate:
22nd Jun 2015jugsy commented on:
Win a years supply of shoes from Hotter!These shoes look really comfy and very stylish. Hope I win as I just love shoooooes.ViewDate:
29th May 2015jugsy commented on:
Should Britain stay in the EU or is now the time to leave?We definitely need to come out of the EU before we end up loosing our British identity for ever. Europe will lean more towards federalism and telling us what we can and can't do. We had the British Empire don't forget and joining this sort of club is just not British.ViewDate:
15th Mar 2015jugsy commented on:
Should Jeremy Clarkson be sacked or reinstated?I have never watched it and the odd bits I have seen is so badly done I feel embarrassed. It is so obviously scripted and they are trying to pretend it isn't.ViewDate:
28th Feb 2015jugsy commented on:
Should unemployed young people work for their benefits?If you went to France now grape picking would they give you a house and top up your low pay with benefits? I think globalisation should be the same everywhere in the E.U or have I got this wrong? I think we have the same work ethic but the world has gone barmy. Globalisation is an ideology that will never work.ViewDate:
28th Feb 2015jugsy commented on:
Should unemployed young people work for their benefits?You have just reminded me Wilf of the work we all did in the school holidays. Potatoe picking and Pea pulling. We loved it! It seems now they bring people into the Country from abroad to do this and give them a home and a load of benefits. What on earth has gone wrong with society today?ViewDate:
26th Feb 2015jugsy commented on:
Should smoking be brought back into pubs?I never want to go back to smelling of smoke every time I want to go out for a drink. I have been a smoker and the smell and expense made me stop.ViewDate:
26th Feb 2015jugsy commented on:
Should drug possession be considered a crime?I think drugs should be legalised. We would get it out in the open and have a chance to help people who are addicted. Having it run by criminals makes it more attractive to some people who them become addicts. Not everyone becomes addicts and some use it for recreation and never become addicts. It is no differents to drinking alcohol which is a drug and very addictive to some people. The police would have more time to catch proper criminals.ViewDate:
26th Feb 2015jugsy commented on:
Are voters happy with the NHS?I feel so sorry for you and I understand you anger. I have thought about writing a book about some of the terrible things that have happened to my loved ones. I just think it would be too painful.ViewDate:
26th Feb 2015jugsy commented on:
Are voters happy with the NHS?We over abuse the system and half the people sat in A&E should not be there. Because it is free it is abused. Make the drunks falling over on a night out pay for their stitches. Fine people who don't turn up for their appointments. Something's will have to change.ViewDate:
26th Feb 2015jugsy commented on:
Are voters happy with the NHS?I have been unlucky enough to have had a serious illness, this has really opened my eyes as to how bad the hospitals really are. I went through the motion of complaining and realised that it was all a whitewash In the end I told them that I wasn't frightened of my illness anymore because I thought I would die from their treatment. There is nowhere else to go if you are not happy so I have made my mind up that I will never go into hospital again.ViewDate:
26th Feb 2015jugsy commented on:
Will you vote in the 2015 General Election?I will always vote. Women fought hard to get us the vote and therefore should always be used. I must admit I am struggling this time as to who to vote for. This last coalition has been a nightmare so I must try and be rational.ViewDate:
25th Feb 2015jugsy commented on:
Should unemployed young people work for their benefits?Wrong. We have all worked hard for what we have got. We are not just silver surfers but silver savers something the younger generations have not wanted to do hence the credit situation.ViewDate:
25th Feb 2015jugsy commented on:
Should unemployed young people work for their benefits?I would have been truly amazed to have been given any kind of benifit after leaving school. I can just imagine some young people being handed the money and thinking great I have got this for doing nothing so why look for work. When I was young anyone who didn't work was looked down on. People on benifit are now the middle class in society as a lot of them claim more than people in work. We need to stop giving money to people who have not paid into the system. This would stop a lot of immigration. If I couldn't find a job I would have to do charity work just for my own self esteem. We have enough litter and fly tipping which needs cleaning up.ViewDate:
25th Feb 2015 -
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