Kollantai's bio
I took early retirement at the age of 60 in August 2014. I live with my partner and our two cats. I love hiking, photography, reading, wine, and dining out -
Kollantai's latest comments
8th Nov 2014Kollantai commented on:
Kindle vs BookI use a kindle when I travel abroad or on a lengthy journey (no more suitcases full of paperbacks!) but when at home I want to read a proper book. Kindles have their uses, but nothing replaces a proper book!ViewDate:
8th Nov 2014Kollantai commented on:
Windows 8Windows 8 is a whole new experience - it is essential that you upgrade to Windows 8.1 (you will find this in the Apps store) it does restore Windows 8 back to the features we are all familiar with in Windows 7 and Windows XP. Having used Windows 8 for over a year, it is easy to navigate around - your friend is pointing your mouse into the top right corner of your screen and click 'settings' there you can find anything. There is a lot of help online about using Windows 8 - use this rather than wasting your money on the many reference books now available Kollantai -
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