oldbear343's bio
Hi, I am Ray, 59, and I am a full-time carer. My interests include writing, dog-walking, gardening, reading, music, art, and martial arts. -
oldbear343's latest comments
15th Jan 2016oldbear343 commented on:
Win free tailor-made dog food for a year with tails.com!As a carer living on benefits, this would be a tremendous help to me and our Jack Russell, Terence!ViewDate:
20th Jul 2015oldbear343 commented on:
Martial Arts and Wellbeing - Karate SilversurferNow up to 9th gup with the online American Kick Association, and lovin' it! Have not given up hope of further grades in Seigokan Goju karate, but can't attend classes due to medical issues.... -
oldbear343's latest showcase activity
Approved0 Comments05/01/2015 14:37:58short stories: Martial Arts and Wellbeing - Karate SilversurferI am Ray, 59, and a full-time carer. In these exerts from my first and only blog, I intend to... -
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